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Friday, July 22, 2016


Shall I make a list of the favorite books of 9gaggers?
-Harry Potter
-The Wheel of Time
-some other fantasy book
-and an other fantasy book
-can you read nothing else but fantasy?

muggenbult19  · 1d
@just_someome do you have more fantasy books? I'm searching for more

nagelwerk1518  · 3d
what if i tell you i have my books on my smartphone?

xghostboyftwx180  · 8h
@nagelwerk mind=blown

seems_legit100981  · 3d
What a special snowflake

unoriginal_man99  · 11h
@seems_legit100 What an unoriginal comment

hunter3901511  · 1d

mikuu_chan28  · 3h
@hunter3901 *gives you attention*

justinjjf78  · 3d

roland896  · 1d
@justinjjf Good choice ! I feel bad for the end :(

bylkis33  · 3d
I don't like reading but I love being told stories so I have audiobooks on my smartphone!

tomato_of_doom7  · 3d
@bylkis me too. Each day when going to work by bus I listen to audiobooks. I have far far more audiobooks than music

bestninegagger42  · 3d
Do vegans eat book? i mean it's like a dried meat but in plant form

satandoge666Pro20  · 1d
@bestninegagger Do you eat leather?

get_the_salt10  · 1d
I see most of the books here are hardly from the late 19th century and the 20th century, where are the classics tho ...

zetuul15  · 1d
@get_the_salt From 9gaggers you will mostly get Eragon readers. Not really the place to talk about literature

weichkeks18  · 1d
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
Otherland Series - Tad Williams
If you like Fantasy, these are pretty good :)

mrgrim1471  · 1d
@weichkeks I couldn't get into the Magicians, personally. Kingkiller Chronicles are cool though, if a bit overrated

adibett21  · 1d
I love anything written by Terry Pratchett!

@adibett Me too <3. If I had to choose I would probably name The color of magic as the best. Or Bad Omens..

carlosroig8412  · 1d
I read a lot of books, and I don't use very much my smartphone. But to think, that I'm smarter than other people because I read books, that's very retarded.

zetuul1  · 1d
@carlosroig84 Who said he is smarter?

miulinchen14  · 1d
Yeah but why should say? I'm studying Master of german literature and don't like Goethe or Schiller, because they are highly overrated, but that's not your or my . My profs are very modern - we're learning everything about literature history (from middle ages - today) but all of them are teaching us to express your loving in all types of books - it's not lesser worth to love Lord of the Rings, Eragon or even Twilight. Yes, literature from earlier times often is deeper and well factured, but we shouldn't forget the whole  of literature - entertainment. I love Fontane and Tolstoi with my whole heart, I like Straßburg and Flaubert and Shakespeare and Lessing.. But I also love J.K. Rowling or Sarah J Maas and that's totally okay and should always be, because it isnt less worth my love, when I have fun reading it. :)

miulinchen1  · 1d
@miulinchen so much mistakes, sorry. :> hope you're getting what I'm saying..

alfie_solomons18  · 1d
any book by Agatha Christie

letmeusemyname2  · 1d
@alfie_solomons Hurrah! Another Christie lover!

danypareja18  · 1d
The Picture of Dorian Gray

danypareja15  · 1d
@danypareja they said book not picture stoopid

dablocklp15  · 1d
Hitchhikers guide to galaxy

bowbuilder1  · 1d
@dablocklp what are you doing down here the top is where you belong

thest0rm08158  · 1d
My favourite Book is "IT" from Stephen King with over 1500 pages

zetuul14  · 1d
@thest0rm0815 why do you feel the need to specify the number of pages?

tofupowerPro5  · 20h
...get with the times. Books are on phones now.

And don't tell me about "the feeling of a real book."

I'm sure many people missed "the feeling of riding your horse to work everyday." And, I don't doubt that it's a unique feeling. But it got impractical when technology started to replace it.

tofupowerPro2  · 20h
@tofupower hmmm... I now think I was being a bit too bitchy in my comment. Please forgive me... it's been a long day, and just 10 minutes ago I was covered in fire ants. I have a few dozen fresh stings.

(My books are still in my phone, though)

tolgadamar065  · 3h
The kite runner by khaled hosseini , anyone ?

@tolgadamar06 kite runner was really nice, opened our mind to something that was there once, like a total different culture than what we see today with religion force or propaganda

atraya5  · 1d
Book readers would rather cut down millions of trees just to "feel a real book in your hand" (and be special snowflakes), rather than just read books on their phone (and look like everybody else).

morcove4  · 14h
@atraya What if I told you paper can be recycled?

sabyspellman14  · 3d
But I read books on my smartphone....

sabyspellman2  · 3d
@jonkrakauer Well, I actually like reading in bed at night, so it allows me to move into whatever position I want and I don't need a light on. It's different, but I actually like it better. I still have plenty of real books though.

yadontsayyyy7  · 1d
my favorite book is facebook

yadontsayyyy3  · 1d
@yadontsayyyy i have a lot of free time working at mcdonalds

gaemispin4  · 3h
any book from Haruki Murakami

LisaLionheart1  · 3h
@gaemispin norwegian wood is like 5/10

antonykoontz4  · 1d
i wouldn't say I have a favorite book, but I Just read the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks and it was AMAZING!!

dogebwoy1  · 1d
@antonykoontz you need to read kingkiller chronicles. Brent weeks has too much drama imho

bemysofaking9  · 1d
The Bible is my favourite fantasy book!

handisamu1  · 2h
@bemysofaking at least you can read

mr_moe8  · 1d
"The Shape of Things to Come" by H.G. Wells, "Life on the Mississippi" by Mark Twain, "19 Minutes" by Jodi Picoult, "Colorado Kid" by Stephen King, "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs, "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" by Hunter S. Thompson

rosewaltman71  · 1d
@mr_moe i have a love/hate relationship with the Catcher in the Rye, because you never enjoy a book when you're forced to read it and write an essay on it. However, it is quite interesting. Boring English work aside.

luisfischer2007  · 9h

@luisfischer200 underrated comment is underrated

patrickstien5  · 1d
The Godfather - The most epic crime saga ever written.

@patrickstien The silkworm is epic

putin_fodido1  · 3h
"Stalker" by Lars Keppler

@putin_fodido no man !!! none of that shit ! read the real STALKER by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky.

joaquincrisa132  · 2h
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

karlmarx71  · 1h
@joaquincrisa13 piggy dies, am I remembering right? :(

queenpinwin2  · 1d
Nancy Drew is my all time favorite , wanting to collect all of the book tho.

tajongski2  · 1d
@queenpinwin Hardy Boys, too. I used to read them a lot when I was in High School. One book a day, since they're short works, but good.

mcrobin138  · 1d
Necronomicon ;)

yks192  · 2h
"The Dark Tower" series, "It", "Salem's Lot", "Needful Things" by Stephen King, 1984 by George Orwell, "The Ice People", "Ashes, ashes" by René Barjavel, "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk, ..

@yks19 have you read any other Palahniuk's book?

loki_dokiePro7  · 3d
The Count of Monte Cristo is my favorite book.

mrswallace963  · 3h
Catcher in the Rye

@mrswallace96 scrolled way too low for my favourite.

waterowl1  · 2h
I saw this post as I sit outside a book store after being sent outside while my mom pays so I can't look at more books. I tried to get over $130 of books, sadly she made me put all but 2 of them back

@waterowl I made a vow that I won't buy any book 'till the end of this year! You can donwload for free a lot of great books that are in public domain (check gutenberg project).

epicmoonlight1  · 1d
I Recently finished reading "Silence of the lambs" and "Hannibal". They were pretty sweet.
Though if that's not your style then I woyld also reccomend "What the night knows", it's still in the horror genre, but there is a lot more stuff happening in that one :P

@epicmoonlight only read red dragon, should I read the other books about hannibal lecter too?

konglaker6  · 1d
I hope there is a specific section for books in 9gag....

sneaksneak6  · 3d

obut2  · 1h
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

And for those of you who are too-smartass-to-think-HP-is-not-a-good-series, some good book suggestions are:

"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding
"Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk
"The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years" by Chinghiz Aitmatov
"The Casual Vacancy" by J.K. Rowling. Yes, she has it!

xxhangelixx1  · 1h
@obut HP is great!

kdelest2  · 2h
Pillars of the earth, anyone?

@kdelest will read it eventually

rocketjew2  · 2h
I'm just copying my comment from other post:

The Road & No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy
The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie
The Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
War with the Newts by Karel Čapek
Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovky
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Greater Foundation series by Isaac Asimov
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Blood on Snow by Jo Nesbo
Under the Eagle by Simon Scarrow
The Dunwich Horror and other short stories by H. P. Lovecraft

@rocketjew Yeah! American Gods! it is amazing!

barborka3252  · 2h
When I was once reading on the bus station, little gipsy kids were so curious about that I was reading a book and then they mother told them "those are the highly educated people" :D :D :D

@barborka325 hehehe

davidgoeswild2  · 1d
What about a Kindle? Any Kindle readers here?

@davidgoeswild weird huh! I thought e-ink readers were more popular ... i guess not...

witchyy2  · 1d
I really like the diary of Anne Frank. At the moment I'm reading the 3rd book in the hunger games series. My mum works at a university library and they have over 5000 sci-fi books there so she borrows books for me. Idk what to read next though!

@witchyy wow! your mom's job seems pretty nice.

kyotowanderer2  · 1d
I love the small and feel of the pages of a new book!

@kyotowanderer *smell

pascal_vaut2  · 1d
Sr arthur conan doyle, the metro series by dmitry glukhovsky, illuminati by dan brown and for nostalgic reasons eragon series

football1011  · 55m
Don't like reading, now hate me pliz

@football101 triggered.

randomcomplex1  · 3h
Audiobook master race.

fellag1  · 2h
@randomcomplex yes, yes, yes ! THANK YOU !

elpatri191  · 9h
Adding "I read books" to the german vegan engineer who does crossfit, vapes, plays dark souls on a pc. Anyone else agree?

@elpatri19 oh yeahhh.. Like me exactly

Pokemon go

@metryingtoflirt wait, It isn't a book?

I own about 5 or 6 of the Harry Potter books, they make for a good readl.


My sister and little brother thinks I'm weird because I read books ( which are on about 650 pages) in the summertime or when we are at the beach....somebody who just loves the world of books?

@vict1588us during holidays i can read 3 book a week, all classics but not 650 pages books.
Which author or theme are you into?

Your favorite book depends on when you are asked. As a child i would have said "The Hobbit" but now i would say "1984". A series of books about astrophysics called "Hidden in Plain Sight" by Professor Andrew Thomas has captured my imagination

@unsafejohnnyb I once read the "Histories" by Herodutus and I found it hard to read at time but still I endured with it because I felt here was a man stretching across the millenia to tell me a story of his very remarkable people.

Thorn Lily / Thorn Year

@ssswzo or you can say Gashiyeon

nicochicoperez3  · 3h
The Stranger by Albert Camus

red__forman3  · 1d
1984 anyone

framer1463  · 1d
The inheritance cycle

andre25103  · 1d
I read a lot on my smartphone... But anyway, The Name of the Wind, The Great Gatsby, The Physician, Fall of Giants. Those are all really good

old_jenkins4  · 1d

xxhangelixx2  · 1h
Guys serious... OP is not bragging about reading! He just said is nice to see people with books - yes one can have an ebook in smart phone - but why can the guy be happy, you know? You guys just like to whine about people who like to read (and no, this doesn't mean that they are smarter or special or special snow flakes ok).

gateaugateu2  · 1h
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

azarserge2  · 2h
Favourite books:
And then there were none
Animal farm

rosefelton2  · 2h
All the HP books
19 minutes - Jodi Pocoult
13 reasons why - Jay Ashner
Perks of being a wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
And 'und nachts die Angst' - Carla Norton (idk the english title of this book)
I really recommend these books :)

shadowhunter2522  · 2h
Harry potter series :)

upsidedown_bed2  · 2h
Percy Jackson

cyberdayba2  · 2h
My favourite books are the Wintercraft trilogy

blyatman3212  · 2h

nosherlock97452  · 2h
I would recommend Extinction Cycle it's actually my favorite series now.

gif_doge2  · 3h
Percy jackson series and heroes of olympus

gajksandstorm2  · 3h
a series of unfortunate events

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