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Friday, July 22, 2016


Cause 'Murica

19yo_guy59  · 11h
@tommycanswim Even Tommy vercetti knows that 'murica is beyond saving

chuck_wood710  · 3d
And how many people actually do this? 5? 6?
I somehow bet, that this is just done by a few idiots, yet blown out of proportion by the media.

nsa_doge3  · 1h
@chuck_wood it's not very common

nocturos221  · 1d
I live in Texas. Fucking TEXAS. THE MURICA OF MURICA. At least here, it's rare. And when people do this, it's widely accepted that those people are dumbasses.
These trucks would never pass inspection.

itzmcpopperPro42  · 1d
@nocturos I live in texas as well, see Atleast three of those trucks a day. Population where I live is around 800k

tschysas202  · 3d
and VW is the bad guy huh ?
did they pay billions as well ?

ummthatguy18  · 3d
@tschysas but at least these Hicks are honest about their intentions

josepablocm69  · 3d
Isn't that like...you know...illegal?

llyev666OP · 19  · 3d
@josepablocm in a few states but not in all

koltespunti84  · 1d
And f***ing muricas come and cry "mimimimi volkswagen has too high oxides" and cry around...

quang_dangler57  · 1d
@koltespunti yes because theres absolutely no difference at all between the number of people doing this and the number of VWs sold in america. *facepalm*

joshccarlson44  · 1d
You guys must not know how these trucks work. Living in Tennessee, I can say I see this quite a lot. Let me explain the principle of these trucks: they DO NOT SMOKE ALL THE TIME. Only when the driver wants it to. They "tune" the trucks to run differently at the flip of a switch -- usually, the tune that causes the truck to smoke simply dumps more fuel into the ignition stokes. To make it smoke, they have to get the turbo to begin to spool for a few seconds and then they mash the gas petal. This causes about 5 seconds worth of black smoke to come out the exhaust, and then it's over. Captain out.

joshccarlson13  · 1d
@joshccarlson Oh, and as for the guy who commented that these trucks won't pass inspection, they do.

schristie11Pro182  · 3d
It's a very rare thing, only if you rednecks who lived in the middle of nowhere. I bet if you go into the farm areas of Europe and Japan you'll find tractors and farm trucks pouring out just as much blackness, not even talking about with all the heavy machinery in the world.

emilelandzaat2  · 1h
@schristie11 eeh sorry but no

atindle7260  · 1d
This is not done by conservatives. That's complete horse shit. Mother of god why is the internet so fucking dumb

@atindle72 Because it's filled with a$$holes, who themselves are full of s**t.

avelein15  · 1d
Bullshit... people do it because it's cool. It's pretty common with diesel cars. Who can make most black smoke is the coolest guy in some areas. It's not because they are trying to protest... why do stupid people believe everything they see on the internet?

ekekenenr9  · 1d
@avelein how is this cool it's retarded and only retards do it

thorbenkanz8  · 1d
Yeah lets sue fucking Volkswagen for polluting our Air

@thorbenkanz why not ? do you want to say that they cant sue them because a few hundred rednecks do some fucked up shit ?

caramelfurball12  · 3d
The stupidity from this post gave me cancer, not you op i mean the people who do that. The smoke will probably give then cancer too

draggonn7001  · 2h
@caramelfurball diesel burns as nitrogen and guess what's already in our air? nitrogen

lolbyelol28  · 1d
"Aye I have pictures of about 5 people doing it."
"Holy shit, it must be a trend, everyone's doing it."

morphineS23  · 3d
there are also a lot pf liberals that do retarded things. These people are just stupid.

kreuk5  · 1d
They have obesity, McGun, flat earth theory, feminazi, annoying vegan, mass shooting, and now intentional black smoke? LOL

death_or_glory2  · 1d
@kreuk Right wing isn't really a fan of feminism, you know...

Someone cannot simply use a gif in the jpg.

llyev666OP · 1d
@Shaheryar22 could u please explain how to do it?

mickyl7  · 1d
These guys are air heads that will vote for trump. Just watch it

Ifailedhumanity6  · 1d
@mickyl I hope they do, every vote counts

the_fuckening7  · 1d
You just found out about this? Are you using Internet explorer? Also this is indeed a retarded sister fuckin trend.

levnic3  · 1d
This isn't a fucking "trend". I grew up in rural Georgia and have been into diesel trucks my whole life and I only rarely saw people do that. In the six years I've lived in NY I see more people with VW TDI's rolling coal than I saw trucks doing it down south. Nobody likes these people for the same reason that nobody like people who misuse guns: they give the rest of us a bad name. For the love of god, would you Eurotards stop with the bullshit "oh a few Americans do this so that must mean they all do!"

levnic3  · 1d
@levnic oh, I almost forgot. Rolling coal is a side effect of mods designed to increase horsepower and torque. You see trucks at truck pulls blowing smoke because they're running a hot tune with bigger injectors and fuel pumps. Rolling coal on the road is for assholes.

samcrotched3  · 1d
People do this all over where I'm from. It's fucking annoying as shit and they're assholes that think they're got shit driving around wasting daddy's diesel by pissing everyone else off

@samcrotched hot shit*

agentgto6  · 1d
Damn OP, you're a special kind of stupid. 1st the trend has been around for a while, it's popular among the douche bros that drive diesels without ever actually towing. 2nd, the smoke comes from modifying the computer to inject more fuel than the engine can burn, causing the black smoke. 3rd, the number of people who do those are actually really rare. 4th, no its not something thay conservatives do in order to protest liberals.

Uncovered by that Thilo on Pro7?

llyev666OP · 1d
@katiedeely lol who is that? No i've seen it on Galileo a few weeks ago

baronmaxx2  · 1d
I totally support this trend...... given that they do it in a hose ending In the cabin. ..

llyev666OP · 1  · 1d
@baronmaxx savage

aguyfromvienna2  · 1d
Replace "Conservatives" with "Inbred retarded motherfucking morons".

@aguyfromvienna I see no difference between them

blackincognito81  · 55m
it only really happens with Wide Open Throttle (or WOT, basically "flooring" the gas pedal). I'm in Canada and know quite a few people who Roll Coal, but you dont notice it until they're flooring it

@blackincognito8 or as @joshccarlson said it

i_like_cheees1  · 1h
American, conservative, and diesel owner here. Everybody that I know hates these guys. They get hate everywhere. It's not a pandemic or anything, it's a small group of guys that do this to get off by uploading it to social media

@i_like_cheees and another thing. You won't pass epa inspections like this. WHICH YOU HAVE TO PASS ONCE A YEAR

ricksancheze2161  · 8h
@vroom__vroom @chuck_wood wow, didn't think it was happening up there as well. I live in a small town (about 70,000 within city limits) in south Texas and seriously about 1 of every ten vehicles is a coal rollin' fuck face that thinks they're cool because they're truck can dump black smoke. Trend has been around over here for at least 6-7 years because that's when I was going into high school and remember a bunch of douche upperclassmen with it. Pretty damn annoying.

chuck_wood1  · 7h
@ricksancheze216 well, then I'd seriously suggest caltrops..

topias9111  · 1d
... And a climate warming is just made up thing.

@topias911 Its ash and settles on the ground, skid.

ksnakvs1  · 1d
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be republican/conservative

@ksnakvs cuz something that's been around for ages and is done by a bunch of retards, most of whole not even conservatives? Okay then

you're retarded OP. Rolling coal is used to increase power

@collin1996310 are you talking to yourself right now fucktard?? You know that it's actually bad for the engine?

Is it just me or many conservatives in murika are really retarded? In Brazil it's pretty mutch the opposite

@24hatsuneisa much*

I lived in midland Texas and this was fairly common (saw it on a weekly basis at least)

@thargoreman and it's not illegal- many states or many counties inside a state don't require any emissions testing at all

And this is fucking illegal in USA. Do it and your ass will be heavily fined and your car will be dumped. You can then roll on coal.

spaniard931  · 1h
@deepmalikiitk it actually isn't that's the down side

It's not a trend.

@delarosajr1 it actually is especially in the southern states I own a Diesel truck but it still spill a little black smoke when I gun it even though I don't disable the filters

Yeah who needs oxygen, please I live of 5 yen coins and eating pussy

@german_yato_god oh dear me why did I wrote that

we get it. you vape.

@bartboiler you just need to tell us once. thats all.

That's interesting cuz I live here and haven't heard of this

llyev666OP · 1d
@fearbringer329 where exactly? Cuz it's mostly done in the south and the midwest

kev_dev3  · 3d

xx_byg_xx2  · 2h
As an American citizen , this is hardly around

jackloq2  · 1d
@OP. Galileo?

yourdoor2  · 1d
I'm American and I've never seen that in my life. Thanks media! Once again!

digbicks12342  · 1d
These are the same annoying people who call anyone with modern day thinking libtards

josephhampton02  · 1d
Wait... Coal powered trucks...well, most power plants in the US are powered by coal. Power plants provide electricity. Electricity charges electric cars. So is you think about it, these trucks are just a good as electric cars. They just cut out the middle man!

angerdoge2  · 3d
We need a new plague.

teacher891  · 18m
Captain here.

People remove particle filter because it is expensive to replace the
every 200k km and cars use more fuel with it. You also get more power.

Black smoke is unburned diesel. Drivers have tuned their diesel pump the way that increases the amount of diesel. You get more power but also you get the smoke and increased comsumption of diesel.
You wont see any black smoke after 2009 models in europe because after that the particlefilter was installed in every diesel car.

robert__hahn1  · 20m
But VW is bad! Remember that, kids!

batman_no_robin1  · 1h
Take that Obama *cough cough cough

mika_0891  · 1h
Not only in The US sadly..

floseul1  · 2h

matthijskraaij1  · 2h
Let me gues trump made it up?

pac0master1  · 2h
I want all of them to try taking one big breath of the exhaust after every rides.

idirtbikee1  · 2h
Btw this really isn't a 'trend' it's just some people...a 'trend' is more like when people do stupid camber to their cars

idirtbikee1  · 2h
You ever see the video when the guys roll up to the girl walking on the side of the road and ask her 'do you smoke?' And she replies 'yes' then they hit the throttle and cover her in all that black smoke hahahah

4957xv1  · 6h
'Murica, please.

abc2911  · 19h
Isn't it funny that I haven't seen it yet? Seems a like a big trend

jorgeliud1  · 1d
And yet it pollutes less than Volkswagen because American trucks have standards and regulations

mouellet21  · 1d
I've seen it once. Guy got immediately pulled over and ticketed.

schlaesen1  · 1d
@foxbridge yeah as any other car manufactory in the world... GM is even worse (they killed many people and they did know about the problems, also their car pollution is worse by far)

theelyziumPro1  · 1d
They like trains.

sellersmerritt1  · 1d
It's a common thing in Texas. To me it says who has the smallest pee pee

shaankhangura1  · 1d
Pretty much only red necks or car guys do this. Iv seen some people in Canada do it.

thatguyhuh1  · 1d
Op watched uncovered?

deadmeatpt1  · 3d
Redneck Mobile

waramz1  · 1d
How can one be that retarded ? It obliterates all layers of stupidity....

earthpeace1  · 1d
Yeaaah america rocks .... earth sucks

enajyrram1  · 1d
Damn! So many countries trying hard to reduce pollution and shit.. And what are you guys doing there? Anyone with a brain or sth..?

We arent all like this!!!!

Trump voters probably... no for sure...

It's mostly douchebags that think it's funny or cool to waste tons of diesel fuel, but if you have money then do what you want


Just kill them.

In Portugal we don't have rolling coal trucks. We have Seat Ibiza fumarento do aço.

Nope because you push your engine's rpm giving way more diesel than the computer says it should, therefore you push way mkre torque than a stock truck.

Older diesel vehicles do this when u "lug" the engine. New vehicles u can add a chip, remove egr, increase fuel delivery to accomplish black coal smoke. It's unburnt fuel. They call it Prius repellent


I'm in Tennessee and one day my face was puffed up and I was driving myself to the hospital, because everyone I knew was at work and I was off. And so I had my hazards on trying to turn at a light and some diesel truck was in front of my turning real slow I have road rage but I lightly honked my horn dude black smoked ne twice as we were driving. (Remember I couldn't hardly see anyways.) to be a dick. And at the next red light I got up next to him and he saw my face and I gave him the middle finger and he looked like he felt bad. Lesson is. Don't be a douche to someone with hazard lights on!

why are all of you so mad? settle down ok?

But volkswagen was not allowed

Hey bro! Do u smoke?!


*south america

Lmao we don't do that. At least not the ones in California

So these idiots void the guarantees on their trucks...their loss when it breaks down. Also, if they blind the drivers behind them due to the smoke and an accident is caused I think any insurance company would find them liable.

Every country got idiots, move on from America


Too late. Volkswagen beat them to it ages ago.

How can you automatically assume this is conservatives? I'm conservative and I think it's asinine! The problem with this fucking site is the idiots who constantly stereotype.

Yeah, we hate them also. Don't call us stupid, we can't control what every citizen does.

Still smaller carbon footprint than a prius

In Sweden the asshat Volvo drivers does this for no reason at all. Sweden, fuck yeah.

"Annoyed with Obama and Liberals" is just redneck code for racism.

So why do merican people complain about VW again ?

It's called diesel with no catalytic converter

that kind of people deserve to be shot in the head, there's too much stupidity in the world to allow them to live!!

Thats so rednec

Global warming motherfuckers! You guys didn't know that shits do you!? Dios mio...

DPF filter. But theynare dumbasses and should be punished and cars sent for inspection

You guys know its not only from removing the particulate filters, right?

This always crack me up!

Let them suffocate in it...

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