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Friday, July 22, 2016


kat.al is the new address

spadermon14  ·
@mrlovemaker I understood that reference

tomundjii759  ·
the terrorists don't cost them money...

kettenradfahrer32  ·
@tomundjii Exactly

war4nl1199  ·
Double standards?

jibblet389  ·
@war4nl1 Not really. They refused to help in the terrorist investigation by cracking the phone because if they had they would have had to create a program for breaking into their own security, potentially compromising millions of people, and establishing a precedent which the CIA and NSA could then abuse. Instead, they supplied the authorities with what information they could; information that had been backed up to their servers.

boozy1269  ·
Not an Apple fan but, in the terrorist case Apple was asked to provide access to an encrypted a phone. In this case they had to handle over server logs. Two totally different things.

jamesdebive14  ·
@boozy1 thank you!

gafreire0183  · 9h
An Ukranian is arrested in Poland due to an US law? The fuck?

Chrizine19  · 3h
@gafreire0 Had to scroll way to far for this! I'm wondering the same thing.

kokoshinka94663  ·
The owner of Pirate Bay was also arrested a while back. But the site kept coming back on a new domain no matter how many times they took it down. The same will happen wit KAT!

veritos6  ·
@kokoshinka946 I do believe TPB guy's are situated in a better place for piracy, i think I read somewhere on their blog that they are located in Sweden and Sweden allows piracy. Whete as KAT guys are in Ukraine and i don't believe Ukraine has legalized piracy

cevixis90  ·
Because apple wasn't losing money to terrorist attacks. Face it, everyone's worth is less than a dollar.

wowsuchusername45  ·
@cevixis no, because the terrorist his phone was encrypted, and Apple was asked to make a key that could not only unlock that phone, but every apple device out there.. Here, they just needed to hand over server logs. It's not like they were protecting a terrorist, but more like a privacy of millions of Apple users

scibbie45  ·

gaydolf_shitler9  ·
@scibbie Well, KAT had a retarded policy of following DMCA and took down files requested by their creators and such. See how much it helped, listening to their shitty demands?

twixster44  · 14h
Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pokemon Go, Google... all of these are just extensions of the NSA, which isn't really 'national security' but world-wide mass surveillance and thought police.

porn4peace10  ·
@twixster and Microsoft

regonas51  · 13h
Guess what type of phones smart people aren't using?
Guess what company smart people don't trust?
Was telling that apple is crap for years, but no one was listening.

mrmatthiasPro7  · 10h
@regonas like google wouldn't do this...

Martines0701Pro34  · 14h
it's year 2369, a new torrent site is being shut down, an alien named Khar N'gdori has been charged by the USA, the FBI are on their way to arrest this alien who has been found on keppler HD 3-8 y/a-f, located in proxima centauri"

mk05044  · 2h
@Martines0701 I will not be surprised if it turns out that companies like apple FUNDED this arrest by bribing officials.I mean there are countless fugitives/criminals around the world who have done awful things and are on the Most Wanted lists.They are still on the run and cant be captured due to some bs policies.And yet this guy was hunted down so... effectively.

surprise_butsex60  · 14h
Apple is the woman of the technology industry

tar190116  ·
Apple: Protects terrorist privacy. Shits on your privacy if you mess up with iTunes profits

coeusueoc4  · 9h
@tar1901 There is a massive difference between breaking the security of every single iPhone and handing over some server logs.

stage_4_cancer12  · 13h
Fucking Apple, like I would pay 5 bucks for a shitty movie :(

wowsuchusername2  ·
@stage_4_cancer why would you download a SHITTY movie tho?

adonistwitch8  ·
Apple don't lose money from terrorist attack on San Bernadino.. They do however lose money from a torrent site. Apple only care about the $ signs. Why expect any sort of morally correct actions from them or other large corporations.

hansbald1 point · 10h
@adonistwitch you know they revealed this info ob the terror attack too right?

orroz56413  · 14h
Your data is protected as long as they won't gain money out of it

tosguy925  ·
never heard of KAT only using PB

cfilorvyls1 point ·
@atrix81 you dont need proxy to use torrent. Downloading the the torrent file yes, but after that you can turn off the proxy

kyleli6  · 14h
Because apple looses money due to a file sharing program, and will also loose money if they help the investigation of a terrorist.

@kyleli do some research

leshmaltezo5  ·
KAT was the largest? thought it was PB

fabulous_1Pro14  ·
@leshmaltezo kat was cleaner and better to use, the new site is up at kat.al

ultravitality10  · 14h

jaspertubePro5  · 14h

een_gekko4  · 7h
@jaspertube i came looking for this

periwinklelilac1 point ·
Do we still have other options?

veritos1 point ·
@periwinklelilac yes we do

moxtrox6  · 14h
Apple disclosed information they actually had in possession. In the case of the shooter, they didn't own the phone and any information on it.

@moxtrox Also Facebook did, they used information from both to chase him.

wowsuchusername4  ·
People bashing on apple for protecting terrorists and now these edge 9gaggers are crying because they gotta actually PAY for digital content..

Funnier than most posts on this website

muchbaguette5  ·
@wowsuchusername i pretty sure people are actually mad because om principle Apple should protect your personnal info. This is more a principle issue than actually having to pay for digital content, cuz if you don't wanna pay, shutting down kat won't stop you ^^ it's actually not a big deal for users, then van easily use another tracker or 1 of the multiple proxys thats will surely be available in the next few days...

troy_barnes5  ·
Of course Apple would do this. They are in the same business. Only difference is, people pay on iTunes and Apple store. They're just helping to kill off competitors

@troy_barnes Also Facebook did, they used information from both to chase him.

peekachuu2  · 3h

@peekachuu just use kat.al

trafalgar1law3  ·
Sorry what does PB stand for

@trafalgar1law piratebay

jgfa1 point · 8h
fucking moron
how can you make a slip up that big?
if i ran a copyright infrigment website i would have at least 5 proxys and a vpn on at all times

@jgfa This bust is one of the most unlikely-sounding arrest i ever heard of.He cant be that stupid.

jfgrzybek1 point · 10h
He was an owner of kat yet he used same ip to browser Internet... I'm surprised that they caught him just now.

@jfgrzybek well the only thing they caught him do is login on Facebook he will prob be released soon if they can't connect him directly to the servers

temp12341 point · 13h
That's why we have data protection laws in the EU

bbum1 point ·
@temp1234 What, would have been EXACTLY the same in Germany.

synatorix1 point · 13h
@lazarusshepard but the Fbi is able to unlock every apple account...they only need between 1 to 2 days

@synatorix yep, but with the key they could do this to every account much faster, seconds. Also, if someone else gets the key, privacy is fucked

duracellrabbid5  · 14h
Apple revealed what was recorded in their server, that was the same for the san bernardino case. the context here is different. for the fbi case, they were dealing with the iphone and the potential risk of having a backdoor ios. but here. it was merely revealed the server records that are not encrypted

casaby1 point · 3h
I've never liked Apple.

@casaby Also Facebook did, they used information from both to chase him.

Where am I going to get those Mia Khalifa short movies now?

@megaev Finding Dory**

kickassto.cr this mirror works

corvo561 point · 2h
@karim619 kat.am works

My girlfriend is going to be so upset, that was the main site she used

@misterauditore its back up as kat.al

experiment_625Pro3  · 9h
How the fuck is ukrainian man in poland judged in usa?

iam_lord_bolton3  · 9h
Pirate Bay is the largest site. Also what jurisdiction does the US have over a ukrainian fella in Poland? None.

nicobadenhorst13  ·
money son.. didn't you know it rules this world?

mozalinayahyaw4  · 14h
Lol I'll never pay for movies, there's always a way

the_real_zezima2  · 14h
Kat.al" works I believe

singind2  · 14h
seriously? it's not the same thing.

johnjangojimmyb2  · 9h
Owner of KAT is not a US citizen.
Apple only fought being forced to disclose the data of US citizens.
Apple doesn't care about divulging the private data of non-US citizens.

This is why more and more companies world-wide avoid storing any data in the US or with US companies

ajbitch2  ·
Apple fucked up, again.

revoule2  · 13h
kat.al - all hail the kickass crew

jellyfish6969691 point · 1h
Why do you blame only Apple, Facebook are just as "guilty"?

speculatrix1 point · 1h
this completely fails to understand the issue.
in the case of the iPhone, Apple didn't have any information about the terrorist to hand over, what the government wanted was for Apple to destroy the security of every iPhone in the whole world .

hdontlie1 point · 1h
obvious. refugees are the jews trick. immigration as well. usa is jew controlled. all big companies are jew, incl fb, apple, google, etc. so the all cooperate with NSA (check snowden docs) -> soo? not much logic needed to see why a noname ukranian can be foked, but not a fake-terrorist=friend..

madzed1 point · 1h
how exactly can U.S. Goverment arrest person in fucking Poland? They dont need permission or what?

luigisonic041 point · 2h
Yeah go ahead and mourn a criminal.
Double standards?

_juliand_1 point · 2h
Apple has an interested so their shit gets illegally downloaded frequently.. logical but silly at the same time

meepomeepo1 point · 3h
do you really need that 'muslim' word?

ballistic11 point · 6h
Apple should be taken down for helping a terrorist

knud9eri1 point · 7h
What is this Dank stuff? pls explain

itswillferrell1 point · 8h
They paid apple to get the info

dzichader1 point · 10h
Polish border guards arest him not fcking US goverment.

glibatron1 point · 14h
Just want to clarify that building a program to open up a locked iphone (with numerous consequences) and giving away ip-information is not the same thing.

Dzhalagashy1 point · 1h
Fuck Apple, Fuck Apple, am I the only fucking one that noticed that also FACEBOOK disclosed informations to chase this guy? Private informations were released for reason different from national security.

Yes because it was a false flag, there was no Muslim couple, numerous witnesses saw 4 tall white males getting out of that SUV

Now i wonder, Poland has an extradiction agreement with US, bu this dude is Ukrainin citizen, now as far as ive heard US has send an extradition request for the dude, but now should Poland just hand over the citizen of the neighbour country? Or rather send him to his country of origin with which US has no agreement of extradition so they basicly can't do shit If so.

Just bought an iPhone 6s such a shame I can't refund it..

About apple, the two cases are different. If apple were to open Pandora's box and open that phone, all of us would become targets for further tracking in our phones. As for the IP, it is basically like who you called when. The guy just basically downloaded iTunes and uploaded it, to me this is not to be considered as a crime, hopefully he will be released in time...

because the situations weren't the same...duh.


Not the hero we deserve. But the hero we needed.

Everyone who supports apple is supporting terrorism

Dammit, i'm watching this on an apple ipad... I feel so guilty now

Scumbag Apple

San Bernardino was a hoax though...

We gotta make backups to tpb. YOU NEVER F*CKING KNOW

Pirate bay for lyfe.

Time to hack Apple and destroy their system :v

Internet Community Rise

They released this but not the terrorist because they didn't want competition for music downloading.

Not an American citizen. Wouldn't be infringing on the U.S. Constitution.

Apple should know that
"Snitches end up with Stitches"

this bullshit was all over the web when they took megaupload down when they took thepiratebay down etc but they are up and in business again HAIL HYDRA

So U.S. goverment captured an Ukrainian (lets call it) "torrent lord" in Poland?
That sounds like a beggining of a polandball joke

Terrorism doesn't affect their business at the moment. When it goes after the profit, they'll be disclosing information left and right...

But we have tpb

Racist son of a bitch

First YIFI, now KAT? They are going after everything I like.

Most ignorant and tendencious post I have read in a while. You can't compare "give me a tool for hacking phones" with "give me the log of the server". And I don't even like Apple products.

I guess the US goverment is too busy trying to arrest internet pirates instead of doing real important stuff.

not surprised, apple was always shit


Further proof that Apple is the root of all evil.

Wait wait wait. The US government can arrest an UKRAINIAN guy who is living in POLAND. WTF?

Why scumbag. It's just right. They hurt apples business. So this is in their interest. They didn't need to program a backdoor for this.

why are you so dense motherfucker OP, with the terrorist case the government wanted apple to make a backdoor into their iOS and retrieve something that ISN'T ON APPLE SERVERS, while this data was stored on APPLE SERVERS

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