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Friday, July 22, 2016


They are not refugees they are immigrants

fludafladen190 s · 6h
@the_unkel_ben No, Syrians got refugee status you dumb fuck.

miloleerdamm641 s · 3d
The emoji gave me cancer

fake_godfag_got7 s · 10h
@miloleerdamm where are the ?

gideonthebest191 s · 3d
A full grown man and a child attacked by a camerawoman? woman?

rockerbandy276 s · 1d
@abottleofbeer Don't forget that they resisted a police procedure, and tried to break through...

outcast_kyle266 s · 1d
They weren't attacked, that woman was preventing them from running from the authorities. She's a hero.

stan1972152 s · 1d
@stan1972 she would be a hero if she saved some lifes but all she did was making a man fall who was carrying a little child

bacaydee207 s · 1d
captain here,she kicked them cause the police told the refugees to stop but they didnt.thats why she kicked them,she wanted to stop them.

tegla22 s · 1d
@bacaydee watch?v=gTwLiGVY0Qc did she realy kicked him?

heldar183 s · 1d
This guy was actually a Al Qaeda's Nusra front supporter and ran from army, not from ISIS. This was published in International Business Times: "The screenshots taken from Mohsen's Facebook page are proof that he is not only a member of the Nusra front, but has also fought the Kurds near Amudeh, Serekaniye and Afrin"

jo_vePro3 s · 1d
@the_kebab_lord *nonexistent

twitteringbeard103 s · 1d
Fun fact: they weren't attacked by her, she didn't even trip him, from another camera angle it's visible that he fell because he forcefully freed himself from a policeman's grip, and her extended leg was like 1 meters away from him.

kokuszpok56 s · 1d
@twitteringbeard He didn't even yell at her, he yelled at the police men. But whatever, I gave up trying to find some sense on 9gag, most of them are just brainwashed idiots who eats up everything the media shows them.

saudi_arabia129 s · 3d
He donated Palestine as well. I love him for all his charities and his football career.

@lookatmeeeee savage

stevenchowme121 s · 3d
Cristiano Ronaldo is better human being than messi.

ihateusernames_5 s · 2h
@stevenchowme because Messi never ever donated anything. anybody is better human being than you, you hateful shitface

drinkergag44 s · 1d
Because they were running from the cops. Criminals.....

swedish_steel2 s · 13h
@drinkergag thank

Nitneuc58 s · 3d
Is it always the same dude making those "Why Y'all hate on Ronaldo ??" posts or is there like a brotherhood of you guys ? He's the football's Jesus-Ryan Gosling, we got it.

manzananaranja5 s · 1h
@Nitneuc It's Ronaldo himself uploading all these posts.

tegla52 s · 1d
He was not hit by that camerawoman, he just fell due to his own impetus. SHE DID NOT EVEN HIT HIM, source: watch?v=gTwLiGVY0Qc

tegla12 s · 1d
@tegla Thanks media btw, show a picture instead of the whole record.

ozzies9 s · 10h
All of them should be stopped and sent back to wherever they came from.

dancealot4 s · 1h
@luciebaudry Because of our passports. Because of our culture. Because we are Europeans and we love to be that. They hate us for every inch of what we do, say, represent, are...
Why should we let enemies of the state into our states?

hunpatko33 s · 1d
Bullshit, the immigrants were runing away from a police officer and she tripped them. The immigrants were illegaly crossing the border while they could just go trough a border crossing.

hunpatko18 s · 1d
@hunpatko Pardon me! I awas also wrong I watched the videos and she did not even toched the immigrant he fell beacuse he forcefully freed himself from a policeman's grip.

pharn0039 s · 1d
Attacked? They were running from Hungarian Police (border control) because they did not want to register for asylum in Hungary but in a different - richer country. Women tried to stop them as at that moment - they were criminals.

swedish_steel4 s · 13h
@pharn00 thank you

bobbykomitov22 s · 1d
Because of posts like this and his bitching fans. If you like him, just say "I like Ronaldo', not "I like Ronaldo more than Messi".

apwllwpa1  · 1d
@bobbykomitov good guy

silverwargen3 s · 1d
"Attacked" as they rushed the boarder illegally and the police tried to stop them.

@silverwargen do you think people flee from their countries happily? They just can't go on living there, abd that's why they put themselves in such dangerous situations with racist assholes who think that they are entitled to hurt them.

pedro7511115 s · 1d
"Christiano" are you serious

Jose9113 s · 1d
1: she didn't reach them with her leg, they just fell as tried to run.
2: later they found connections between the father and islamic extremists.

dancealot2 s · 1h
@Jose91 ...and now we know why he ran away from the police...

judge_kek13 s · 13h
*Brainwashing and propaganda intensifies*
1. Guy is a daesh himself.
2. Camerawoman didn't even touch him.
3. Camerawoman didn't try to attack him. She tried to help the police.

waitwhutidontev4 s · 1d
This makes me so happy, I felt so incredibly bad for the kid and father when I saw that video.

xzira13 s · 22h
@waitwhutidontev You realize they're criminals, running from the police and the reporter wasn't even close if you watch from another camera, right?

iceborned8 s · 1d
"attacked by" really? they weren't cooperating with the cops so, the camera women just tried to stop them by tripping the guy after they run trough the police. Also what damage can u suffer from falling in the grass like srsly not even a scarf.. bullshit stories made up by media

@iceborned She didn't even tuched the guy. He just tripped himself. Watch the video: watch?v=gTwLiGVY0Qc

gameprobird21 s · 1d
And The he was exposed as an terrorist who was involved in a terrorist attack on a football arena in The near east

How did he find them?

muzitp10 s · 1d
@mekakiposi find an arab app.

moody0007ftw13 s · 3d
Ronaldo's cock sucker here

@moody0007ftw how big is... ?????

bzs03088 s · 1d
If someone is trying to avoid the police and to get registered in a country is an illegal immigrant not a refugee. What that woman did, was helping the Hungarian police work because that man with or without a child tried to enter to Hungary without a fucking paper or registration! And whatever where do you come from this is ILLEGAL. Even I can't go to my own country without a fucking Id card or Passport and I come from a country which is member of the European Union.

@bzs0308 In the Middle-East you will be shooted down on the spot if you try to enter a country without any paper ( Saudi-Arabia, Israel ect... ).

ironbutterfly11 s · 1d
Would you please stop throw shit on that innocent woman? She didn' t kick that guy. He's a criminal and ran from the police

Avoiding taxes is ok. Taxes are theft.

luciebaudry1  · 1h
@renesandoval they say goodbye to public schools, to hospitals, to roads...

wwilliamprince8 s · 1d
They were crossing the boarder illegally, weren't they?

sarahbavaria11 s · 1d
Ehhh you know that the father has been member of a TERRORIST GROUP?! So stop with bullshit leftwing propaganda -__-

q8dantana3 s · 1d
Cristiano ronaldo is hated on the football field
cause he only think about himself on the field
out side the field he is a great person

team4aladeen1  · 29m
@q8dantana according to this post, he's even worse out of the field, actually.

By the way for all refugee haters I get your  but shouldn't your governments designate proper areas for them until their situation is sorted or until they are throughly checked?

xzira4 s · 22h
@masty1992 If they do that, they'll be labeled racist. Obviously keeping people that ignore the law contained until such time their background can be checked and their asylum can be granted or denied is sooooo against human rights. But you know, raping women and children, that's fine.

So basically the hungarian camerawoman did set up something nice in the end. Also: "Attacked"?

camembert_dogePro3 s · 1d
@sappymafkaas funny thing is she didn't actually do anything

It's Like Bill Gates and Microsoft...
They are the most philantropical persons/corporation in the world but still people hate them.

It's called prejudgement, and people are just stupid.

simone21gr1  · 1d
@guyfromthenet nobody hates Bill Gates...

drustan5 s · 2h

yololo_trololo8 s · 1d
This camerawoman is better in tackling than Ronaldo.

blue_absolution7 s · 1d
They are not refugees or immingrants, they are parasites, and they was not attacked, in a different camera ankle clearly visible, that she was meters away from them when she kicked the air...

storm_rider2 s · 1d
Well, stories like these show that he didn't lose contacts to his roots and his somehow an awesome human being. Still, i have a problem with him because he so often acts arrogant and self-centered and lifted. The second part does not account for Messi, who in general seems to be a bit more modest. (not counting the tax-part, while i'm not sure whether he is really responsible for it, i think he is just a guy wanting to play soccer)

gustavuslion1  · 1d
@storm_rider wanting to play what?

ciganygabor4 s · 58m
"attacked" you liberal fuck!!! hundreds died because of "innocent refugees" Are you rly this stupid or just a traitor of your race?

mowglip6 s · 1d
Attacked... she tripped over dirty, muslim, illegal immigrant. They should have been shot on sight. Fucking muslims...

biggerbaws6 s · 1d
Attacked? They were fleeing from the police. They wanted to enter without registration to avoid having to show papers where they can check if they really are who they say they are.

+the woman didnt attack the illegal refugee she tripped the man

@very_offended which an attack.

What happened to that tv reporter?

@XantE nothing.

jandotomi5 s · 1d
The hungarina woman didn't even touched this immigrant! Dont belive your lefty media

iamthetable3 s · 3h
Why? Because of people like you, his cock-sucking fan-base. Just look at your title, it alone says it all.

chrome4life3 s · 1d
Bojler eladó!

shkklluupp3 s · 3d
He is gay

redcubePro2 s · 1h
No body talks about the fact that the father that she tripped was connected to ISIS.

Slkn2 s · 1h
Wasn't that ZAID chopping people with axe on the train?

nilstasty2 s · 1h
Because Renaldo is doing all this stuff just to pretend how nice he is and show the media what a good guy he is.

hdontlie2 s · 1h
too bad that foker terrorist wasnt attacked, it was just a bad camera angle.. look it up..

razor_6_42 s · 1d
Haha wow OP is a seriously uninformed retard

archerwise2 s · 1d
Hungarian-made fence for sale in bulk(min order 3km roll and razor wire and posts every 4m). Concrete footing for posts is not included, but otherwise out-of-the-box system. Slogan: It will foken keep'em out!

buggers732 s · 1d
leftists propaganda

pharn002 s · 1d
@the_unkel_ben economic immigrants

biorio3 s · 3d
Its easy for rich people to welcome cheap labour in their country.

ivand19882 s · 1d
his father is suporter of isis, there is pictures of him holding the isis flag. just google them.

hermannbandi2 s · 1d
hungary needs bettery calvary

csabi9905142 s · 1d
A woman with one hand (other held the camera) ATTACKED a man and his son..... RLY M8?

manuuuuuuuuuuuu2 s · 1d
They didnt listen to the police, "broke" the law the first minute they came here, great people of course, really good ones ... fuck them ... the camerawoman should have beaten them more.
Also if you look closely they ran towards her, tackled her, she mostly just protected herself.
And the video were the old man and the kid fall, look up some videos, she doesnt even hit him, she just lifts her feet and not touching him.

But the media showed it as she brought him to fall, great work of those unpolitical news people ...

usinss1  · 10m
And the father was terrorist... he was arested later.

persona221  · 11m
Easy Explanation: Messi doesn't brag. Ronaldo does. People hate bragging more than being an asshole.

rasguardo1  · 34m
Watch the full video first, idiots... regards...a hungarian.

itsbario1  · 3h
Why are you a ronaldo fanboy?

themanifested81  · 1d
Cr7 spelling is wrong..... Don't compare him with messi on personal issues..... He can't afford to ignore all this refugees and shit.... And lastly emoji gave me cancer

saitamas_head1  · 1d
Because some people hate someone without reason

wixywizard1  · 1d
Beat by a women. LOL. jk jk pls feminazis leave me alone. It was only a joke.

gergedan1  · 1d
Ronaldo is a good guy. Whiny player, that makes him so good, and also annoying.

thomastempelma2 s · 1d
Is it bad I laughed at that vid

skullster2 s · 3d
That camerawoman must be hungry

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