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Friday, July 22, 2016


Full story: The black man, Charles Kinsey lying down on the floor is a special needs therapist. The person sitting next to Charles Kinsey is one of his patients and has a toy truck in his hands. Some people thought it was a gun and called 911. The police came and Charles Kinsey laid on the ground with his hands up saying / and I quote from the video shown in this gif / "All he has is a toy truck in his hands. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home. That's all it is" The video cuts off and reports say the police shot him. Charles asked why he shot and the officer said "I don't know" /// The police then stated they were aiming for the autistic kid because they thought he posed a danger but shot Charles instead. After shooting, Charles was then flipped onto his stomach and handcuffed and waited 20 minutes for an ambulance. Charles is thankfully alive and is in the hospital right now.

bhatiabn2825  · 12h
@ShinyPonyta handcuffed? Why the fuck was he cuffed? Oh wait, the police doesn't know, stupid dense retards

Crim3s4064  · 1d
Why American police is so trigger happy? If you want to kill someone aim to your own head and make the world a favor

doompenguin363  · 12h
@Crim3s Because most of police officers are soldiers with PTSDs from iraq and other wars thats why

brokenigga2676  · 1d
Wtf is happening in the US?
Thats also part of the gun law thing, police expects everyone to have a weapon even a social worker with autistic guy.
Just WTF from the european view...

eriotto440  · 12h

yungjayyy713  · 13h
What the fuck is wrong with the american police these days.

ghostdj231357  · 13h
Police for this story has the best excuse ever "We were trying to take out the autistic male with the toy train" ..............that doesn't make it better

behemoth772363  · 12h
@ghostdj231 so not even borderline retarded, but also terrible shots :D

mjspoiler278  · 1d
@Crim3s they are trigger happy because almost everyone in the USA could be armed and obviously nobody wants to get shot so as soon as they hear that someone possibly has a gun they get scared AF it's kill or get killed

youplase16  · 12h
@mjspoiler Hey flowey

bigbackduckPro175  · 1d
If an American calls 911 and saying he had a gun the person he hate, would the police shoot immediately even the person he hate didnt do anything wrong?

str8luckystrike323  · 12h
@bigbackduck Whoa dude, that's like a hit-man hotline. You want someone dead? Knock him out, paint him black, call 911 saying he has a gun, while w8ing for the cops, put a black dildo in his hand, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

just_one_fuck217  · 1d
Full story

thot_wheels24  · 8h
@just_one_fuck that is the full story.

jpeb199  · 1d
ok so heres the thing before you guys start ranting: keep this in perspective. it was horrible, the police officer should be punished. it was a mistake he is specifically trained to avoid. DOES THAT MEAN EVERY COP DOES IT? today and in this past month, cops have responded to the same kind of call and handled them correctly hundreds of times. dont think that because you see it in the news it hapoens every single time.

my  is, it is human nature to now draw the conclusion that all cips in the US do this. a person made a mistake and should be punished accordingly. stop making generalizations.

and in my opinion, they should shoot that stupid ass cop and whoever gave him a gun.

eagles1990161  · 12h
@jpeb1 nobody thinks all US cops do this. However this it is a growing trend. By not drawing attention to it you cannot start to acknowledge that something is wrong and needs to change immediately.

theaviator77790  · 13h
Americans aren't really wise people

i_did_my_best41  · 12h
@theaviator777 and yet they have access to weapons

4lc4tr4yPro42  · 13h
Why did they shoot the black guy, when officially the white guy was the threat?

goodguy59  · 12h
@4lc4tr4y why not? The officer who shot him said "I don't know" when the guy asked him why did he shoot him.

rajwarsneha64  · 13h
How to kill some black dude. All you have to do is to call 911 and say 'Theres a black dude waving gun in our neighborhood." And voila he will next day headlines.

the_killingjoke85  · 12h
@rajwarsneha Citizen : Hello 911
911: please state your emergency
Citizen: There is a white guy with a gun barging in our home and he has killed our black neighbors.
911: Did you say there are "Black" people involved in crime *triggered*
Citizen: No, that is not wha....
911: Say no more, Got you fam.

baconnatortheac49  · 13h
Even black police officers are killing black people

ancap211260  · 12h
@baconnatortheac Which means is not a black thing or a race issue, it's a police issue. It's sad that I had to scroll this far for someone to  that the officer is BLACK.

happy_dutchmanPro27  · 12h
Why the fuck does the police have assault rifles ???

vacsad20  · 11h
@happy_dutchman Because 'murica.

mensa49  · 13h
Pathetic nation. Nuke yourselves.

l3htaan9  · 3h
@qatar_ball sadly, id enjoy watching the US burn

he_dr25  · 12h
Srsly what is the training for police officers in the us? In germany its 3 years of study with many unarmed field tests. I heard that in the usa u just get a "course" for about 6 months and here we go, new cop. Is that true?

vacsad38  · 11h
@he_dr They watch Rambo and that's it.

MrGekko42  · 13h
Because he's heiling hitler

mustachebaby8  · 12h
@MrGekko haha yea double handed style!

nikk2834  · 13h
Damn, the US has some serious problems

i_copy_and_past10  · 4h
@nikk28 pretty fuckin serious they said they wanted to protect charles kinsey from the autistic man then they ended up shooting charles kinsley and then handcuffed him and maid him wait 20 minutes before he was taken to the hospital

g501jw39  · 13h
The US police is retarded

Chavalo21  · 9h
In my country, (in Europe) there was a warning for turists who desire to visit the United States, One of the advices is to beware of U.S. Police. That´s how things are going right now :P

ricardojaviermm2  · 4h
@Chavalo No way, really? That happens in the country I live in, but that´s Venezuela, where the armed forces are as bad as the regular criminals. If they say that about the US too that´s terrible, Jesus Christ.

tsuhful16  · 13h
I don't understand it clearly : he was shot, while laying on the ground on his back, with hands up ?

dhrfbreijer22  · 10h
@tsuhful Yes. Because 'Murica.

batbomb11  · 10h
Do the Americans have something against black people?

thot_wheels31  · 8h
@batbomb they will claim they don't. That's why all of the racists are silent on this post. Ironically contradicts all of their comments from last week.

rajwarsneha22  · 13h
USA is sick.

silverwargen2  · 6h
I think we also have to take into consideration that police in the US have been ambushed and shot lately. These aren't normal circumstances.

percythecat12  · 3h
@silverwargen No we don't have to take it into consideration at all. It's their fucking job and it is dangerous, and if they get so jumpy that they shoot innocent people "by accident", they should quit.

alcatraz911  · 13h
You know why muricans are so trigger happy
Because they got they're independence that way and that's the only way most people know

gabrigoo9  · 12h
@alcatraz9 We all got out independence that way. Doesn't mean I need to bring an AK to grocery shopping.

crazybrownguy7  · 13h
Honestly, I would try the cop for homicide for this.

ivainthemcbuil3  · 11h
@crazybrownguy he can claim it was an accident, since 2 other shots missed completely and they were 'aiming for the other guy'. Besides, it wasn't lethal, so attempted homocide at most.

pattyboomboom8  · 12h
"I own a gun for protection" -Well we don't hear about any of these so called 'Protection rifles' now do we, that's why they're called FUCK'N ASSAULT RIFLES!!" -Jim Jeffery

P.S I know it may not be that specific type of gun, but it's the same principle. Everyone just becomes paranoid and gun ho. Literally.
Fucking soooo stupid.

vacsad5  · 11h
@pattyboomboom 'murica is in a constant collective paranoia since Truman. Sad.

coboela511  · 12h
Police: gg easy

lorz_7  · 12h
@coboela5 But... they didn't even rush B!

gaius935  · 6h
The moment US policemen or women are out of the academy, they are forced to follow the antics and traditions of their police departments. Sadly, that tradition involved the "us vs. them" mentality. A mentality where all citizens regardless of race, social or economic standing are against police and are out to kill police.

ricardojaviermm1  · 4h
@gaius93 If this was an upclass neighborhood with rich white people in the same situation, this would not have happened. So I say BS

The issue will continue to grow as long as americans keep fighting to keep their guns... and as long as there is retaliation against the cops (like what happened in Dallas), keep expecting cops to take no chance and shoot first.
So.. good job Americans for loving guns and whom ever thinks retaliation is actually a proper way to respond.

percythecat2  · 2h
@aavvaavvaa The justice system is failing the public trust when it comes to prosecuting crimes commited by law enforcement. When *that* changes, maybe people will stop taking matters on their own hands.

khaleedtnps5  · 13h
Hard to see how any African American people would be worried about ISIS when they have Whitey to worry about.

very_creative111  · 4h
@khaleedtnps I don't think they are

djjenkins2333  · 8h
@ancap2112 bruh but if the attacker wasn't allowed to carry a lethal weapon then there would be no need for one to protect yourself. Also, if the system is so freakin perfect then why does the US have the highest rampage shooting fatality rate worldwide? Can you at least admit that gun laws in the US need serious revision?

djjenkins2331  · 8h
@ancap2112 oh yeah and I bet the mass shooting that happened in Orlando could've been done by someone who was unarmed right?there might not be a correlation between the amounts of murders and gun ownership, but there definitely is one between the scale of the attacks and gun ownership.

yolosswagua8  · 11h
He was shot one time in the leg, but 3 bullets were fired. But I mostly noted that 3 bullets were fired, how does that happen in a situation like this? 1 bullet here without killing anyone should cost him his job, but 3 should send him to jail

mmeibohm8  · 13h
just normal US stupidity, nothing to see here...

deicidiumx2  · 3h
Why aren't there consequences for policeman in America? Do they have diplomatic immunity or something?

deeznutsPro2  · 2h
@deicidiumx because prosecutors have to work with police all the time, so theres a conflict of interest and they end up arguing for the defense, against themselves. so then cops get cleared by grand jury, and theres no trial, no justice.

aleksiebin7  · 8h
How long does it take to train to Be a cop? The time the printer takes to copy your degree.

maazinc7  · 11h
so, you can legaly carry weapon in usa for self protection, but if police sees you doing it you will be shot? :D

bunneh237  · 11h
Does anyone remember last year when there was one accidental police killing in the Netherlands and there was a riot in The Hague?

stannard16031  · 3h
This is what I call: fucking racist american police
Yes I am zware that not every police officier is racist but still wtf man!!!

@stannard1603 aware not zware...
Dah fuck auto correct

b00mst1cks1  · 13h
Miami cops are all corupt. Don't go to miami.

alen4129524  · 13h
@b00mst1cks Just don't go in the US, go to Canada instead.

No video proof. And people are already judge jury and executioner

nobellium1  · 48m
@mistergeof there is video proof, look it up

pajapatak32322  · 10h
Black dude killed black dude and you call it racism and attacking cops....and you tell me i'm from 3rd world country. Haha at least i'm not 'murrican

@pajapatak3232 racism isn't just one group versus another. Racism in the U.S. is a special case because the entirety of American society has a bias against black people. From portrayals of black people as criminals in tv shows to the way they are portrayed in the news, the US has some serious unresolved issues. Having grown up in the US, even I, a black male, have some degree of fear of other black men. The difference is that my experience with actual people has led me to negate this bias that many people who live in homogeneous communities cannot put aside.

olivervilhelm5  · 13h
This makes me so fucking angry

8bob81  · 1h

@8bob8 And this is the reason why people in US want to kill police, because cops shot and they don't know why.

lachuy1  · 1h
Seriously are they blind?! They could of used binoculars to confirm its a gun or not. Where is the common sense

dyright_1  · 1h
@lachuy The fact that he said "I don't know" says enough. I Agree, what's next? Shooting people with syndrome of down because they don't lay on the ground when they're told to? …

gandmaruteri1  · 3h
Why don't cops get taxed guns instead

@gandmaruteri lol *tazer

thz131  · 3h

thz132  · 3h
@thz13 so the cop "dont know!" ??
ok, thats enought 4 me...im outta here!

omega_supreme2  · 4h
Here's the deal. The cops screwed up. This will be handled appropriately. The problem is that someone freaked out, called 911 and reported a hostage situation. Think about this from the police perspective. A real hostage taker or hostage could say the same story they offered. They had to be careful about approaching them. The cop who pulled the trigger was probably hopped up on adrenaline and scared to death. Accidents happen, it's sad, but at least the guy survived.

ricardojaviermm10  · 3h
@omega_supreme "at least the guy survived"? That`s the positive side? A shot in the leg can drain your blood quickly. He lived because the got lucky. He got shot because these policemen are killers, and that´s no fucking accident. It`s fuckin pathetic how you`re trying to rationalize this.
All those excuses about why they had to be careful are trying to cover up shot police work and trigger happy behaviour. Even if they were armed they should have either called for backup to approach them or approach them with care, because they were both pretty much neutralized. If any of them tried anything they could have shot them then.
Seen as how other cops that have killed with no justification go out home free I`m not sure about that "will be handled appropiately" either.

Superion4  · 4h
Police was like: "Therapist? THE RAPIST! SHOOT HIM!"

crazerz5  · 10h
Yeah, let's allow everyone to have guns. Totally safe. Now police will always assume that someone is armed. Criminals will as well. See how things escalate USA? When will they fucking understand that they are being ass raped by the NRA lobbyists.

cancerous_man1  · 3h
To all the idiots out there thinking "oh the polis is stopid" and "BLACK LIVES MATTER, PLEASE GIVE ME FUCKING ATTENTION", who was the one who started this? The people that thought it was a gun, of course. As said by Shiny; "Some people thought it was a gun and called 911".

The people are the one to blame, as they thought it was a gun. Not the police that followed their duty, and not the black man for being black. END OF STORY.

deeznutsPro2  · 2h
@cancerous_man police arent supposed to take all 911 calls at face value tho bro. otherwise you can swat someone for guaranteed death.

@demoniojp You clearly don't belong on 9gag. Do us all a favor and leave.

@lord_bender is just sarcasm, in murica black people got handcuffed even if they're innocent, by? Murica hate black people

I just wanna kill every fucking retard person in this world... (bad)Police, ISIS,Other Terrorists, Fucking Racist people... What the fuck is going with this wold... I can't die in peace

@ivanbago9 When do we start

Whichever officer fired the gun should be done for attempted murder.

dyright_1  · 1h
@flugalbinder Yes you're so right, but ofcourse they have their rights, stupid...

How the fuck can people still go against gun control. Many countries ARE controlled by police with mildly armed police. American police turn up to almost every god damn crime, looking down their gun. Removing guns from street cops will decrease unnecessary killings, and gun control in general will stop any paranoia from the police. I'm 14 and I understand the obvious solution, yet others are clueless. 100% avoidable and people still question it. Smh

@itsloganw by mildly armed police...*

Wtf? There are so many questions in this. I wouldn't want to live in the USA it's so dangerous and I live in South Africa

@bradwinsatram wow man. That is the strongest statement I've read.

Please tell me the police officer will get actual punishment. He should personally pay the hospital bills and never be allowed to work in security or law enforcement again, at the very least.

@iferus nah they got paid vacations cause the government can never admit to a faulty police force.

I'm here just wondering why aren't policemen prosecuted after these abuses?! I always hear about these shootings and policemen being laid off or suspended or something on these lines. So these guys not go to jail after what they go? What kind of stupid system is this?

@razvanc87 *do

@mistermaster420 racisme

@combimagnetron meneel dat vind ik wel lasistisch van u eet uw lijst


@bronasan I wasted one minute looking at a black guy lying in the sun, and two policemen jerking off to it, great.

If not everyone can buy a weapon such scenes wouldn't happen. Dear USA, take example from Europe: we still happy even if we can't buy an assault gun.

its_just_4fun3  · 4h
Kinsey: "Why did you shoot me?" Police: "I don't know". Over the net you read people saying Americans are stupid, their police is stupid...tell me why it's unjustified ?

lord_zedd3  · 13h
'Murican logic

mybean93  · 13h
BANG, here comes freedom!

pizza_pirate3  · 13h
Praise the sun!

smokydaputi3  · 13h
Yeah land of the free.getting out to buy bread get shot by police because "i dont know".fk it i love romania even if it is crappy sometimes.at least here i can walk free without fear of beeing shot by police or some idiot with a gun.

niggakiller3  · 11h
Americans are so fucking stupid it hurts

dat_bo13  · 13h
well hes black so its ok

silentcontrol892  · 4h
I shoot, therefore I am...

carlosroig842  · 11h
And this is one of the reasons because I will never visit USA.

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