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Friday, July 22, 2016


Cheers. I'm keeping that post and your comments as a motivation, means a lot

sirlucian145  · 13h
@usernamefrugo what was your addiction op?

daaaaaaaaavePro835  · 1d
almost one year off heroin again here. keep it up op

n3squik33  · 4h
@daaaaaaaaave Good for you dave <3

nurulsabirah93  · 1d

uncle_stalin69253  · 1d
@nurulsabirah why almost everyone in this comment section was on heroine

fullofawesome159  · 1d
Godspeed, dude. I was on heroin for 7 uears. Over 3 years clean now. You can do it

cold6just9ice7  · 2h
@fullofawesome I've relapsed twice! Tho I'm clean again for more than a month! Hope I don't relapse again!

dannyferrari01163  · 1d
Good luck, it's hard but stay strong

vayneforlifebb65  · 4h
@dannyferrari01 what you say to your gf before trying anal

pauladis93  · 1d
One thing that helped me, was printing pictures and phrases that remind me why I wanted to change and putting in my room, helped me to stay determined

liamreynolds732  · 1d
@pauladis what we're you addicted to?

benelliott274  · 1d
It's a long road. Seems really long the first few days. But you only gotta stay clean 24 hours at a time. Eventually those 24 hours add up to years. Stay strong, remember why you're doing it and you'll make it. If I can, anyone can.

dcaaaarup1  · 3h
@bighammerhurts actually it is one minut at a time. It adds up

skullskillz7Pro45  · 1d
Just play pokemon go. Makes you forget everything else... Even that cat that's about to hit you

truuueeeeeeee28  · 1d
@skullskillz7 God damn it, i thought i told them to stop throwing the cats.

the_red_guy9734  · 1d
You can do it OP!!!

the_red_guy978  · 1d
@the_red_guy97 I believe in you!

waenthon14  · 1d
What are you addicted to?

a_nacho434  · 1d
@waenthon cock

gallonhound30  · 1d
Why are you guys making over his/hers addiction. The shit he/she is going through is propably the hardest part of his/her life. Take these kind of things seriously. Anyways i wish you the best of luck and altough its really hard I hope you can go trough it. I personally think if you have it in you , then you can do it. Best of luck and stay strong my friend.

@gallonhound maybe it's better if op overcomes his addiction to 9gag first before anything else?

kaylakoala10  · 1d
I'm right here with you, my 4th day clean.. You can do this :)

imfeelinshpong1  · 2h
@kaylakoala day 9 me. What substance?

suchahmed6  · 1d

suchahmed7  · 1d
@suchahmed fapping?

a_nacho43  · 1d
Smoke a blunt for good luck

@a_nacho roflmfaool

iplaysexy22  · 1d

rdbenutzer10  · 1d
Like the phoenix out of the ashes - Good luck
For me John Frusciante was helpful in all life situations so far and since he had overcome his addiciton you might check him out /music, interviews or so

@rdbenutzer that's the ex rhcp guitarist right? Can I find gis video on youtube?

areyoulookingat6  · 1d
You got this.

whiteoreo30  · 1d
@areyoulookingat You goat this

crazy_fox11  · 1d
You won't quite unless you really want it yourself
"Quitting smoking is easy, I do it a thousand times a day" - Mark Twain

@crazy_fox What if it's heroin?

nymphora8  · 1d
Hello OP,
i wish you good luck, from the bottom of my heart

not_team_rocket6  · 1d
@nymphora And also from my wife's bottom.

dirtyskill7  · 1d
Good fuck

dirtyskill4  · 1d
@dirtyskill I mean luck*

dav4647  · 1d
Keep trying. It's hard. I'm about a month clean. You can do it too. Beat addiction's ass. Be stronger than your vice. You CAN keep clean. Do it friend.

@dav464 Wish you the best of luck! May I ask you what it was you were addicted to?

bluest0ne11  · 1d
OP, my friend. When he told us he is trying to leave drugs, I had one thing to say... the guy from those god-awful campaign commercials? 'I Believe I can leave drugs.' Nice slogan, OP. Certainly caught 9gag's attention. But then I started paying attention to OP, and all he's been doing as a new sober, and you know what? I believe in OP. On his watch, he can feel a little safer. A little more optimistic. So get out your upvotes and let's make sure that he stays right where all of his well wishers wants him... All except Drug Lords, of course. To the face of his bright future - OP

vishly5  · 1d
go to meetings, it helped me

@vishly absolutely !!! We are not alone !

sapu_lidi4  · 1d

@sapu_lidi Jenkem?

kyleastone2  · 1d
Good luck man! I've been down that road and it sucks but it's a fight that you gotta keep fighting. Going on 4 years clean now! You can do it!!!

@kyleastone Addicted to what if I may ask? :)

its_dat_pingu257  · 1d
Good luck bro, You got this.

haarloheim3  · 11h
I've been there. Becoming clean isn't that hard but changing your life is difficult. My advice is change one thing and that's everything. Friends, patterns, move if you have to. First month is easy the first year is hard.

@haarloheim And remember, one day at the time

manolismavros123  · 1d
Well done bro!

manolismavros121  · 1d
@manolismavros12*or sis

futur3fail1  · 20m
Here's Some motivation:


fraherax1  · 9h
Start pc gaming on steam.. You will never ever have money again to buy bad stuff!

@fraherax A women will also do

remarkabled2  · 3h
I never did drugs. Where are my applauds?

@remarkabled take mine.

albertmudas1  · 4h
do you want to stop masturbating.

albertmudas1  · 4h
@albertmudas Personnaly it's was supposed to be my first noght without dank meme.

tweaksource1  · 5h
I'm 8 years clean. You can do it.

spacemees3  · 3h
@tweaksource dat profile picture makes me wonder if you only think it has been 8 years XD

stay_gold4  · 1d
Good for you. There's not a lot of people willing to admit they need to change in this world. You're on the right track.

tizianadm4  · 1d
You can do it! Sending you willpower and strongness!!!

killerng24  · 1d
You can do it

which drug?

@knertigeswesen ur mom.
I'm so sorry I just had to

Good luck man, I'm here for you

btw, you should give people advice on how to NOT begin an addiction in the first place

oli_26973  · 23h
Nice man, I started 22 years ago when I was born and still going strong, hope I can still find the strength and courage to beat this.

nada_smurf3  · 1d
kick whatever drug it was in the nuts man! it will be an awesome battle to tell your children and grandchildren to prevent them from doing the same mistakes

trefrurust3  · 1d

notolerance3  · 1d
This photo is like Eminem's Recovery... You should listen it by the way. It
courages people

ajodhan3  · 1d
Bro I know how difficult this is just drink allot of water and keep a bucket or bowl near by you'll need it

junkkari3  · 1d
Good luck mate ! If i may ask what is ur addiction?

mr_420special3  · 1d
Give em hell! You will come our stronger.

monstress582  · 2h
Good luck with the detox man! It's gonna be rough bht you'll get through it! :)

lexderoyal2  · 3h
You didnt mean the 9gag addiction, did you?

lexderoyal2  · 3h
9gaggers are with you

miwing2  · 19h
Plot twist: Addiction on 9gag, first clean night, post to 9gag to celebrate...

arnoltd2  · 21h
Is OP speaking about 9gag or masturbation? I'm confused.

wrong_post_bro2  · 22h
Addiction to masturbation?

yakotsukii2  · 1d
Good luck with that ,you can do it , addiction can be fight if you have a good environnement and loving people around you .

karidia2  · 1d
Good luck! :)

ghettoobama2  · 1d

arturogrimm2  · 1d
Good luck champ

lady_snitch2  · 1d
Gambatte! Be strong, friend.

jonminecraft2  · 1d
Good luck

ironspider20152  · 1d

dharnasius2  · 16h
Who's the most intelligent ? The one who beat addiction or the one who never begin ?

gastergames1  · 33m
Good luck OP!

web_doger1  · 44m

starksnow71  · 1h
You can do it OP ! 🏻 stay strong

Buco1611  · 1h
Is that another NO FAP CHALLENGE?

hitman7201  · 1h
Same here man. Day 2 kicking heroin here

jayc251  · 2h
Good luck man. My mom had trouble my whole life and I'm 25 now and we have a great relationship and she's living a good happy life. Solve the problem underlying that's the key. She was unhappy and had a tough life too. But you can do it :)

martinus921  · 2h
I wish you good luck, it's tough, but stay strong, YOU CAN DO IT!!

kanarce1  · 2h
We are all with you, OP! Hugs from your 9gag family! :*

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