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Friday, July 22, 2016


Intel and NVIDIA

penribon90  · 11h
@todd_pro_liar greatest comment of the week

das_nazi_doge83  · 1d
I want to buy a new pc
I want to be able to play new games like the witcher cod and battlefield
I have 300€ max

jacob7385363  · 1d
@das_nazi_doge not happening... Best deals, lowest settings, just maybe

boerseun084ProOP · 487  · 3d
History lesson time!

Intel allowed AMD to access their cpu technologies when everything about computers were starting up. Reason being, Intel wanted the consumer market(me and you) to be able to still be able to purchase a "budget" cpu if we could not afford an Intel cpu you at the time, at least, that's how it started.

zomgbratto13  · 8h
@boerseun084 And that's it? They get to use their lower end technology for free of charge?

hardfoam293  · 3d

overlord_albedo159  · 1d
@hardfoam nvdia and intel = brand . Amd = making sure there's no monopoly

pcmasterraze75  · 1d
Here's how it goes, AMD is a budget range company whereas Intel and Nvidia are not. In GPUs AMD definitely wins with its low price Rx 480 and Nvidia takes the upper hand with higher end GPUs like the 1080. As for CPUs both are pretty equal but I personally prefer Intel processors.

inspector_gPro70  · 1d
@pcmasterraze No, Intel CPU's are better. Higher single core performance, less heat and last longer. A 3rd or even 2nd gen i5 or i7 is powerfull enough for today's games and apps

evil_balthy231  · 3d
I always go for AMD. They are a nice company worth supporting.

yolomlg4  · 4h
@evil_balthy FINALLY!

overlord_albedo92  · 1d
If not for AMD , a basic PC would cost 10000$

Miter01033  · 1d
@nam1710 @genggong23 WOULD cost, people. He's exaggerating, but if there was monopoly prices WOULD be higher.

philippsegl93  · 3d
AMD is love AMD is life

philippsegl12  · 1d
@le_dude88 i only had good experiences with it

kitataki31  · 3d
I have amd cpu ang geforce gpu. Works brilliant.

abra_kawusel23  · 3d
@kitataki for me it is the other way around, having an intel cpu and an amd gpu. I also never had problems with those two :)

cat_8342  · 1d
Intel and Nvidia are assholes in many way. AMD is only honest,budget friendly and kind hearted company.

matb_e6ahatop9  · 1d
@cat_83 I get Nvidia but why intel?

lenguyenhoangs1  · 3d
Should I buy my new cpu with Intel or with and ? Noob here

lyon1335schemb23  · 3d
@lenguyenhoangs Intel , definitely although GPU : RX 480 or 1060- both on same level but and architecture is kinda better

alexsniper76218  · 1d
Amd cpu and nvidia gpu

davisdze6  · 1d
@alexsniper762 lol wat

dorboytv27  · 1d
Intel and AMD!

vk951912  · 1d
@dorboytv same. I7 4790K and R9 390X

supericecube3  · 1d
RX 480 or GTX 1060?

boerseun084ProOP · 6  · 1d
@supericecube the benchmarks showed the 1060 kinda still beat the 480, BUT I'd buy the rx480 because I don't have to game at 500fps and I'm broke as fuck!!!

zero_gg3  · 1d
It's not difficult you got an (very) expensive option that it's very good and and cheap alternative that it's almost as good

@lesteff15 so? Its exactly what I said, don't embarrass yourself

Guys I need a captain: I want to build a PC myself and I got a budget of roughly ~800€ right now I'm considering running the intel i5 6600k with the new amd rx480 when the new customs come, because they seem to be better all in all than the 1060 ones. I will pick 8gbit ram, thats just totally normal, but I need an opinion on that build and maybe a suggestion for the motherboard ^^. A Captain would be great since it's my first build :3

hmmmq4  · 1d
@lumyn Intel i5 4460 gtx 1060 16gb ram 500w psu and any case case of your choice

can someone plss recommend me a good mmorpg ? which isnt pay2win?

Kayzuka5  · 1d
@tronbobo world of warcraft

pangss3  · 1d
if u have financial problem go to Amd and radeon

abh94Pro11  · 1d
@pangss if u have financial problem , buy a console

morbihan3  · 1d
ffs people, the two companies have different priorities when they make their products. AMD is focused more on bang for buck , ie you get fast and cheap product at expense of noise,heat etc, while intel(nvidia) create the very best, little to no noise, little heat generation and even higher productivity, but it is much more expensive.

@boerseun084 not the new one

Violander2  · 1d
You know, this "battle" is very similar to console wars. The majority knows PCs are superior to consoles, just like the majority knows that Intel/Nvidia are superior. And then there's a silly, illogical minority who either bought into the wrong thing and defending their choice, or just morons who can't accept reality.

boerseun084ProOP · 6  · 1d
@Violander or they don't have money for a GTX 1080 and rather buy the cheaper option like the RX 480 and save money in return for losing some performance.

karthagos3  · 1d
Intel + Nvidia = High power, high budget computers
AMD = low - med power and budget.
Not that hard to understand. Argument over. K? K.

Unexpect3  · 4h
@karthagos That's true for the cpus but not for graphics cards.

ivanlu88885  · 3d
looks at Olympus, we don't need to united to be Epic

davisdze1  · 1d
@ivanlu8888 exactly, only overcharge when your camera gets broken.

grgebski1  · 1d
I want to join the masterrace ! Could someone please tell me what is the best setup for about 900$?

melker9001  · 1d
@grgebski rx480 or gtx 1060 with i5 4460 or fx 8350

wakelingideon1  · 1d
And all the way. That way when you OC too much and it melts you haven't spent a shit tonne of money

wakelingideon1  · 1d
@wakelingideon AMD

kornpika2  · 1d
AMD has been running in operating loss (their revenue is lower than their operating cost) for straight 5 years, and their sales also declining for the past 5 years. It will require a massive effort to put the company on the green again as no investor would put money in such company. I use an amd CPU but this is just sad.

boerseun084ProOP · 2  · 1d
@kornpika I saw that on a page I googled too. But not just a loss, it's lile millions of dollars in losses

crocodiluQ5  · 1d
AMD ? Are they still alive ? Thought they were gone a long time ago...

obeymyrod1  · 1d
@crocodiluQ why do you think that?

Look. Intel processors maybe more expensive to buy, but they are the better processors. Heat, consumption of electricity, endurance...all better with Intel.
So in the long term Intel is cheaper, because there is no need to buy every two/three years something new.
Nvidia GTX vs. AMD Radeon. Where to start? Ok...First. Nvidia has a physic chip, AMD doesn´t. So when there is a game you love with physics technology inside you have no access to that tech with a Radeon.
The drivers from Nvidia are always better than the ones from AMD...and you don´t just buy a graphics card. you buy a card and the driver also. So, if one of both is shit, both are shit.
So, better stick to Intel/Nvidia...and you´ll get a stable PC...that is not overheating, exploding or whatnot...

@dancealot Proprietary software from one manufacturer makes the products of the other manufacturer who cant properly use them bad? Wtf? nVidia drivers have been a total mess lately, some made your pc unbootable, the promises asyn compute driver is almost one year overdue, ... dont troll too hard!

madzlatan1  · 2h
AMD is the best, is fighting a war in 2 fronts and is surviving, go AMD!!!

@madzlatan but they are losing a lot of money. That's not what i call a success.

gabrielautefag6  · 1d
"Intel master race. Peasant AMD" ...said no real gamer ever.
There is only one kind of peasant and it's console peasant.

@gabrielautefag no with amd amd powers consoles so there is intel nvid and then there is amd who has consoles too

AMD Ftw...nvicrap u just pay for the name....

@Uxot GTX 1060 vs RX480 is (sadly for amd) the same price to performance

fuckyoudatswhy3  · 1d
Intel HD graphics anybody?

*said sarcastically*

@fuckyoudatswhy amd hd graphics was the better choise thats one thing where amd wins intel atleast

blue_francis143  · 1d
Anyone bothered that nvidia and intel aren't in the same column?

boerseun084ProOP · 1  · 1d
@blue_francis14 I did it on purpose hahaha so that that the image would not look like totally red on ine side, I tried to use symmetry, I'm sorry

te_genji2  · 1d
Im going to realy regret this next sentence

Its the same with White and Black people

boerseun084ProOP · 1d
@te_genji ahaha nice

ipiepiperno1  · 1d
I have a gaming laptop that says it has Intel core i7 but I know that it's graphics processor is an nvidia GeForce 970. Is that possible?? Or are they being used for different things?? Please help. I am bad with computers

boerseun084ProOP · 1  · 1d
@ipiepiperno the i7 is your CPU(Centeral Processing Unit) does all the thinking an tasks of the computer. The 970 GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) is what makes the images the screen shows you. Hope this helps

tytanx6  · 3d
Intel and Amd Radeon

percivallegalo1  · 1d
I love amd so much I even own shares... thats next level fan boy

boerseun084ProOP · 1  · 1d
@percivallegalo haven't they run losses in the past 5 years though? How are your shares doing?

@jamesmcflames what about windows?? The os is another 130€

@petrovicdanijel Windows 7 license keys start at 10€ on ebay.

AMD FX eight core

@thasxyface plot twist: its just a quad core with eight threads, that was falsely advertised as a eight core.

gtx 970 and a I7

@i_am_paranoid hey Usui-kun! Nice config!

Everyone knows that Intel is better than AMD at making processors
DirectX 12 has already solved this Issue - Now use NVIDIA + AMD Cards

@originalgaben just that DX12 isn't just allowing any game to use all installed GPUs together. It something that has to be implemented by the game developer, so i wouldn't invest my money into it.

$1300 PC for gaming, recommendations?

@riptideftw Go for some Z170 Mainboard 16GB RAM the k version of the i5. Get some 240GB ssd for your system and a WD harddrive for your games and data. Search for a 550W SeaSonic power supply and with the rest of the money get the best GPU you can get. Most likely a GTX 1070 or a 1060.

Intel for CPUs, i bought 3 AMDs CPUs and all 3 are nothing compared to a Intel! the 8 Cores from AMD are way behind the 4 cores from Intel.

And for Graphics ima go for Nvidia just cause ive never got dissaed with them and the speccs are way better .. For Example the new Radeon Series compared to the 1080!

@markusfloh Because the 8 cores from AND are just some stupid falsely advertised hyperthreaded Quad Cores. They would've totaled the Intel chips if they would've been true 8cores.

boerseun084ProOP · 3  · 3d
BTW I'm no console peasant

@boerseun084 That's what they all say.

alinbanc1  · 4h
Intel vs AMD is not a race anymore. AMD is just too low performance. AMD VS Nvidia, Nvidia is really good, but there is some left in AMD. Still, Intel + Nvidia seems to be the best option for performance, objectively speaking.

@alinbanc AMD is not low performance, Intel is just better performance. That plus many devs don't test their games on AMD so it makes AMD look even more shitty.

thedutchdogedog1  · 23h
Intel and nvidea thejr is no compentition however radeon vs penthium i would pick radeon

@thedutchdogedog lol i meant AMD vs penthium such noob much hate pls dont rip me apart

tomaszomasta1  · 1d
Fuck the fanboys. Here is some tips how to not suck at buying elecronical equipment:
1. Sit down and think deeply what do u need it for.
2. While still sitting think about reasonable money limit.
3. If the money limit is low consider not buying new stuff. Some freaky geeks in ur area will probably sell u sth good for lower price. Don't buy used stuff if u cannot chceck is it working.
4. If the price limit is mid/high u have to do a research. Do this last nvidia card have good performances? Is it worth it's price? Maybe sth little less eficent but in SLI? Benchmarks, tests, videos, comparing prices. Hours of scrollng and reading but it's only way to do it right.
4. Don't buy ready sets. Alienware isn't worth it at all. Same as ASUS and Lenovo ones.
5. Don't be a fanboy. AMD, nVidia, Sony, Microsoft, some wierd-ass chinese shit - it doesent matter as long as quality, price, and terms of warranity and 1000 other shits is good.
6. Don't extend ur price limit too much.

@tomaszomasta 7. Finally opt for Intel and Nvidia anyways, because it's the better value in the the end anyways.

As much as i don't like to say that, its true. If AMD doesn't get their ass up with Zen and Vega, they will lose competition completely.

sensei_shibe1  · 1d
Intel and Nvidia!

I got i5-6600k, 16GB ram and GTX 1060 (Asus Strix OC)

Post your specs below!

@sensei_shibe i7-3770k @ 4.4GHz with 16GB ram and two GTX 680. Kinda need some new GPU horsepower.

a_mei_zing1  · 1d
I support the company that really contributes to future gaming technology. I hopy you guys know what I mean.

@a_mei_zing ubisoft montreal, Ea games

silapakorn1  · 1d
But different parts from different manufacturers work together perfectly. It's not about unity, it's about choices. If you think about it, unity is bad for the market because it leads to monopoly.

boerseun084ProOP · 1d
@silapakorn at the moment though we've got an oligopoly though (they are literally the only 2 companies in the market)

fayari1  · 1d
Higher End Performance, Price Premium - Intel, Nvidia
Performance per dollar - AMD

@fayari AMD doesn't even wins in Price/Performance anymore.

hliasblackknee4  · 1d
AMD= Intel*Nvidia/2

Facts say Nvidia and Intel are a lot better, Money says amd is a lot cheaper. NOW STOP FIGHTING.

@theanonimme That was true in the past. RX 480 and GTX 1060 are pretty much the same in Price/Performace and AMD vs Intel isn't even a fight that AMD is allowed to participate in it at the moment.

I got an i7 6700k and in benchmarks it kills my friends fx 8350...

@leonardrholzer yeah, because the FX 8350 is just some old Quad Core that AMD got sued about because it isn't a true Octa-Core and thus not allowed to be marketed as one.

Since when people can decide a company is nice just because they have cheap products? so all Chinese companies that produce shitty copy products are nice? and worth supporting??? Im not saying that AMD is shit, had amd, will probably have amd but damn, these arguments are stupid! hail intel nvidia xD

@nolexxex AMD is way more open regarding its technologies and is heavily investing in open standards. Its not that they are doing good as a company or selling good products, but the philosophy of the company is quite good.

I have mad fx6300 nad txt 660 oc cuz i hadn't a lot of money and i needed good pc. No regrets :)

@tomeg1 i have amd fx6300 and gtx 660 oc *

you can build two AMD pc with the same budget for one Intel cost..

@gedikgedik And they both together are slower then that single build.

In DX 12 u can use cross nvidia and amd cards together so future looks bright

@danoniero0 Not if it isn't supported and implemented by the game developer. For just a handfull games, i wouldn't invest into that at any time.

The way I see it, AMD stuff is like muscle cars. They have raw snarly power but dont handle as well.

@raeshkae They just don't handle well. That power thing you are talking about doesn't really exist. Better compare AMD to some old used car, that you get for very cheap but is crappy af.

It's easy. Intel and NVIDIA have the edge on performance, and their best beats AMD's best, but AMD offers MUCH better value for the money. If you are looking for the best of the best, and money is no object, go intel. If you are looking for mid-high end range, like the lower Core i7 or high Core i5, go with AMD, you will get better performance for the same price.

@pilotavery That was true in the past. Nvidia and AMD almost offer the same performance to price and in the CPU sector AMD doesn't stand a chance against Intel. Not in performance nor in power consumption.

spending your pension on a PC vs budget

game fast die broke

Easy: you want the best bang for your buck, go AMD. You want the absolute best performance and are ready to spend a lot of money on it, Intel/Nvidia is for you. There, done.

@dateffingnoob AMD isn't even winning the price to performance thing and that makes me very sad.

Everyone can suck my amd dick when dx12 comes out

@roelccx Is already out, so better be prepared.

can someone tell me hows the intel iris intergated grphics

@robepitufo If you have the best Iris GPU, you can compare it to a GTX 750Ti.

Captain here, directx 12 soon will support multi-rendering, doesn't matter what kind of GPUs they are. *flies away riding his fabulous unicorn*

@pollux77 Only if supported by the developer. Wouldn't waste my money on it, just to use it vor a handful of potential games.

Guys I have an AMD ATI Radeon HD graphics 5450 2gb and a shit core 2 duo processor. Can someone tell me to which processor I should go for.. Intel or AMD

boerseun084ProOP · 1d
@iloveyourmommy intel buddy. Maby i5 quad core

I have 1000€ and maybe a bit more. Can i build a good gaming pc out of it?

@jennyschamey Definitely.

AMD... processor...

@a05laumat2 Insert "oh god why" pic here.

Direct X 12 supports both cards together!

@wcked123 only if supported by the game developer, so don't get your hopes up yet.

Yeah..like there is only one console or phone manufacturer..wait,its not

@s3b0x0 Actualy there is just one console manufracturer. AMD is making the chips for PS4 XB1 and WiiU.

Bitch directx12 will unite the gpus

@who_you Not if not supported by the game itself. Wouldn't invest my money into that tech.

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