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Friday, July 22, 2016


Well - say that they're frustrated, angry young men, who ran into a guy who full of hate, that used his position as a preacher to direct their anger and turn it into hatred.
They're muslim, yes, but they don't do it because they're muslim... They do it because a hateful man told them that the western world os the cause of all their problems... And they listened to him because he happened to be a preacher.

archer_isis141  · 9h
@brandnyemail it's still based on religion

badsnowwhite528  · 1d
a religion that constantly needs its ideology being defended and re-interpreted (even by non-muslims) is a seriously flawed religion.

ililiilliillii19  · 8h
@mradvankoev Buddhism is perfect, people aren't

alexfunno238  · 17h
1 billion muslims want to live under sharia. Half a billion want gays and apostates killed. 30-40% think honor killings are ok. Source: PEW polls.

alexfunno75  · 15h
@iraq_lobst3r Religion is the main part of any culture. It influences almost anything about it. And honor killings happen only in islamic majority counties.

xilion262  · 1d
This comes across as sincere... thank you, OP. I reckon it must be hard to be in the position you are in.. :(

sjon_beton4  · 8h
@pepedealer what the fuck are you on about?

not_a_bait_4213144  · 17h
Islam is not fit for 21th century, Muhammad demands you to kill infidels and be savage. Those of you who are claiming radical islam is not real islam are wrong because it is. Quran should be re-written to fit the modern times.

alastar59  · 13h
@not_a_bait_4213 And the bible should be rewritten to fit modern times as well.

ck78136  · 1d
Islam like most religions simply want peace for everyone. Shame when extremists are made to be the face of any religion

ancapball46  · 9h
@ck78 one peace here and one peace there

suddenlyjesus83  · 16h
Dont defend disgusting ideologies then. join the secular world

suddenlyjesus18  · 15h
@nanananajib at least its real

gartenzaun81  · 1d
I disagree. Muslims are not the problem. The ideology called "islam" is.

@gartenzaun sorry i shouldnt say that.i deeply Apologize :)

prickwisegamgee16  · 16h
If you people would like to, i would want to make an objective evaluation from the religious texts of christianity, Islam, and other worldwide known beliefs that reflect to all of humanity atm. I'd be glad to do that kind of research and comparement, but I'm too lazy to do so without any response and critical reviews.

nanananajib2  · 15h
@prickwisegamgee i would love to help you as a muslim researcher

utechs30  · 1d
I'm sorry man... But change will come when the good Muslims start calling bullshit on the bad Muslims... Coz out of shame the good Muslims don't even speak up... You showed great courage by stepping up so change has already begun :)

formetopoopon3  · 9h
@saudi_arabia How is homosexuality any of your or an imam's or anyone's business? You don't have to practice it yourself if you don't want to, you know? Let everyone live their lives the way they want, so long as they let you do the same.

neathin39  · 1d
This is awesome! Shame is the first step towards change, OP! If more Muslims felt shame due to what other people did in the name of Islam and publicly renounced them, fought and argued against them, extremism would be dwindling.

abu_halab6  · 12h
@neathin OP is not the only one. the problem is that all preachers or "scholars" are controlled by governments or terrorist groups. the ones that actually try to spread peace get abused by the followers of the violent ones. because gevernments and terrorists don't want free thinkers, they want slaves. there are a lot of "good" muslim preachers but they are overwhelmed by the amount of hate. (sorry for bad english)

sixelass14  · 16h
Why don't muslim dont conver their women, eat and drink what they want, don't starve themselves for 1 month and bends 5 times a day ? May be muslim are a bit outdated and should be reform.
*obviously offensive*

And also, why we can't offense them those days ? Everybody can make jokes about everybody, but them. For e.g chrsitian, blacks, chinese, nerds...
*grab pop corn and wait for agression*

sixelass1  · 16h
@sixelass sorri four my anglesh

dorthanc0re73  · 18h
Not all of muslims are ISIS, some are Taliban and the rest are Al Qaeda.

willowoz29  · 17h
@dorthanc0re Don't forget those who are Boko Haram and there's Hamas too.

morterca25  · 16h
Lets do an experiment. If U subtract islam from this story. There would be no preacher. And there would be no listening. Therefore no casualties. Simple. BAN ISLAM! If U want to praise islam - do it in islam country and U can bomb urself there - as U usually do.

morterca7  · 14h
@nanananajib So we will subtract them just as we did with nazism and communism. We did it before and we will do it again.

warmmilkz26  · 17h
Stop trying to play victim. The victims are those who died in terrorist attack and the people who loved them.

baz71113  · 14h
@warmmilkz He is not playing victim. You would not believe how hard it is for muslim youth right now. They are just like present day Germans when the Nazis are mentioned; except both the moderate muslims and the extremists are contemporary, add to that the overlooked fact that Muslims have been the ones who suffered the most from terrorist groups and their attacks.

insanitymoon27  · 17h
you think you are in bad position enough?
look at the christians.
Most of them want peace and promote love,
but not only terrorists want them dead, the other non-christians despise and make fool of them because of generalisation. And the latter are considered as heroes instead.

and worse, while everyone now seems to protect Muslims (I have no objection on this), are there any petition or movement to protect christians? I have never heard any.. or anything big covered by media

thats what and how the current general civilisation is

tonyblackops3  · 16h
@kaiser_krieger maybe because Christians don't commit terrorist acts ?

dannph14  · 18h
Have you read the Quran thoroughly? I have read them myself and there are some pretty violent, racist and misogynistic lines in there which for the life of me cannot promote anything but negative sentiments. Sure you muslims can ignore it but the Quran will always be there to fuel the hatred for anyone in need. Religion will always be a problem, because it requires you to believe in something not based on facts, in your case a book written in the 7th century.

romanrtsche6  · 13h
@nanananajib yeaay again a guy that says, the translations are wrong xD
Soo in syria they speak arabian... soo they should understand it right?

fishattoney24  · 1d
Well you Muslims must start doing something to show people that you do not agree with terrorists. Most of the time you just keep silent by yourselves so everyone think you don't really care as a community.

@fishattoney What do you suggest we do?

Rinzo8  · 8h
Terrorism has nothing to do with religion. Or, rather, it has, in so far that religion is exploited to force desperate or mentally unstable people to kill others in order to serve an agenda. The guy who blows himself up and takes dozens of innocents with him is just that, a tool. The real danger is not the religion itself, it's the men who use it to brainwash people with vulnerable minds into committing atrocities. And the existence of men who do that is a matter of politics, not of religion; you never see the leaders of the terrorist groups doing the killings, you see poor, desperate, mentally unstable and brainwashed men who have been literally duped to commit those acts.

Rinzo2  · 8h
@Rinzo more: Problem is, men like that are both extremely expendable and can be found in great quantities. I think that the world should try to make sure to lessen the circumstances that drive desperate men into the hands of those who would force them to kill themselves and others to serve an agenda instead of going after religion itself. The religion is not the problem, the problem is that the world we live in still provides fertile ground for one group of men to brainwash another, larger group into committing atrocities for nothing.

Dutchie11234  · 1d
Just become atheist, solved! Next problem...

fma_fma1  · 11m
@Dutchie112 just not muslim ^^

iceman87kj17772  · 17h
I have a question.
Does the Islamic religious leader excommunicate Muslims who commit terrorist acts? Is excommunication still a thing that they do i guess is what im also asking? Ive never been able to really have anyone answer this question.

aguyfromvienna2  · 13h
@iceman87kj1777 There are no religious leaders in islam as we know them from Christianity or Lamaism so there's no entity to excommunicate you.

jegabert6  · 17h
Sharia law is a shitshow of a way to govern people. 23% of American Muslims believe in it. That's basis for judgement. Not on individuals but on the institution.

kuzukulaa3  · 10h
@nanananajib this here is the problem. because you were born into a muslim family you DO NOT ALLOW yourself to change your position on this. evidence doesn't matter. when your logic conscience troubles you, you tell yourself "I must be understanding it wrong. allah and his prophet knows best". it has nothing to do with studying about it. ask yourself this: "would I even concede Islam is false?" if you're answering no, my friend, that only means you believe without needing justification.

loganxxx2  · 17h
Islam is a cult not a religion, a story book. If you really want to live by the word of god, you follow the path of love, peace and compasion.

nanananajib4  · 15h
@loganxxx thats what islam promotes tho..

super_fly_guy7  · 17h
So stop identifying as muslim. Live by your own creed, do what u consider right or wrong. Don't let a centuries book tell you how to live.

super_fly_guy1  · 15h
@nanananajib how do you even get redneck from live by your own creed?

luqtheiv6  · 16h
Islam promotes terrorism

alisemihc2  · 39m
@luqtheiv it doesnt.

jorb3332  · 17h
I'm gonna get hate for this, but I'm pretty sure in the book it says to be violent but I'm not saying every Muslim person I know is violent

@jorb333 you read it literally, as quran need to have a certain knowledge to interpret it

i_made_a_poo4  · 14h
Not all Muslims are terrorist




But all terrorists are Muslim ;)

yaoihands6  · 3h
@i_made_a_poo yeah, because non muslims who commit crime will be just called criminal

alfie_solomons3  · 14h
why do Muslims have to defend them selves and prove that they are not bad ?
if you are the one accusing then you should be the one to give a proof..

christiankilroy2  · 5h
@alfie_solomons are you stupid? Look at all the Quran verses saying nonbelievers should be beheaded

oskaaru9011  · 16h
If atleast once a week muslim explodes himself to kill multiple civilians, then maybe, just maybe there is something wrong with the Islam too currently? Islam needs an reform.

alisemihc3  · 45m
@oskaaru90 Very interestingly these incidents happened after USA intervened in Iraq and Afghanistan, before that World didnt had that problem.Are you capable enough to understand somethings ?

aliath4  · 14h
But islam IS a religion that promotes terrorism.... the quran literally says that you can kill infidels, gays, cheating women, etc.. how is that not a religion of terrorism and violence?

alimshel2  · 50m
@aliath you should read from real sources not hearing and typing what some1 else said.

cockymonsta5  · 17h
MUSLIMS: We have a problem? -> YES -> BOMB IT!

nanananajib3  · 15h
@cockymonsta lol if thats how we muslim solve problems, you guys wont be lived in peace in your country/everywhere. U shud say radical muslim bro

alan_b2  · 16h
Koran 9:5 please explain this one verse and the entire world will drop their hate of Islam

legendary__doge2  · 2h
@alan_b 9:5-6 But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.

Having presented the verse in context, we can analyze it properly. Dr. Maher Hathout gives an explanation on the historical context of the verse:

This verse was revealed towards the end of the revelation period and relates to a limited context. Hostilities were frozen for a three-month period during which the Arabs pledged not to wage war. Prophet Muhammad was inspired to use this period to encourage the combatants to join the Muslim ranks or, if they

leoshin9  · 17h
This is what disgusts me the most about you muslim guys. Instead of using your brains and at least wondering that if incident after incident after incident happens in the name of your shitty religion their may be, just may be something wrong with it, you simply shift the blame on some "misguided individuals" and distance yourselves instead of figuring out how do to something against this alleged abuse. Disgusting hypocrites.

@leoshin we do not distance ourselves, the media and people just did not receive any news about it

djdjdjxjsuwnfh2  · 16m
Yes, lets imagine a world WITHOUT MUSLIMS, shall we?

Without Muslims you wouldn’t have:



Experimental Physics






Crank-shaft, internal combustion engine, valves, pistons

Combination locks

Architectural innovation (ed arch -European Gothic cathedrals adopted this technique as it made the building much stronger, rose windows, dome buildings, round towers, etc.)

Surgical instruments



Treatment of Cowpox

Fountain pen

Numbering system


Modern Cryptology

3 course meal (soup, meat/fish, fruit/nuts)

Crystal glasses



Gardens used for beauty and meditation instead of for herbs and kitchen.








Mariner’s Compass

Soft drinks




Plastic surgery


Manufacturing of paper and cloth

djdjdjxjsuwnfh1  · 15m
@djdjdjxjsuwnfh It was a Muslim who actually discovered inoculation, not Jenner and Pasteur to treat cowpox. The West just brought it over from Turkey

It was Muslims who contributed much to mathematics like Algebra and Trigonometry, which was imported over to Europe 300 years later to Fibonnaci and the rest.

It was Muslims who discovered that the Earth was round 500 years before Galileo did.

The list goes on…

Just imagine a world without Muslims. Now I think you probably meant, JUST IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT TERRORISTS. And then I would agree, the world would definitely be a better place without those pieces of filth. But to hold a whole group responsible for the actions of a few is ignorant and racist

kaltblut19  · 16h
still not seeing any buddhists blowing themselves up.

@kaltblut1 Must be coincidence, everybody knows Islam is a religion of peace and is totally not full of violence, hatred, misogyny and intolerance.

italy_ball997  · 10h
You're in denial... Islam isn't compatible with western socity in ALL ways possible

italy_ball994  · 10h
@italy_ball99 And those who disagree are for the most part, uninformed liberal fools

lancecommandant7  · 17h
Honestly it's not even the extremists who give Muslims a bad name though. It's the moderates, the "average Joe" who may not want to mass murder the West but still believes a woman is less than a man or that homosexuality should be eradicated. Things like that, in a religion of 1.3 billion do nothing to help them gain acceptance in a society where these things are common place

alisemihc2  · 42m
@lancecommandant Its not about religion its about lack of education on religion and ethics.

christiancunt2  · 59m
newsflash - it DOES promote terrorism....read your fucking holy text...

alisemihc2  · 38m
@christiancunt I've been reading it through years and searching it.And it doesnt promote terrorism.

vikingbeard1  · 48m
know this, that at least some of us, who think your religion is a motherload of bad ideas and that at this moment in history still is a possible path towards anti-social behavior like terrorism.

know that those of us that think this, also realize, that the majority of muslims don't agree with that kind of interpretation, but we do claim it isn't a subversion of the texts.

we also support those of you who aren't like-minded to those that think gays are an abomination etc, and just wanna worship their allah, and hope you can reform your religion in a way that has happened with christianity.

islam holds too much power over the minds of people around the globe today, it needs to be demoted from the status of "way of life" to a "hobby" like it is for most christians and jews and such.

ps. i do realize some of those that agree with my views on this also happen to be fucking racist and bigoted idiots who just don't want muslims anywhere alive and kicking, but that's not me ;)

@vikingbeard it is a subversion.Search for the Salafi movement.Sunni's and Shia's are against this.

signup_failed3  · 1d
Even a fatwa against pokemon go

lvba6oo62  · 1d
@signup_failed I think it's a joke

suchoterin11  · 17h
Islam does promote terrorism

Unexpect1  · 49m
@suchoterin It's not terrorism if a Muslims does it. It's cultural diversity.

stehlify1  · 14h
Yea. But if christians were still crucifying 'witches' you would'nt call christianity as "Religion of peace" And yes, this is written in Bible - but nobody gives a single shit, becouse we are not in Dark Ages anymore. Many muslims don't know that and behave like we are in. That's why respectful and intelligent muslims got trampled with others.

@stehlify Bible does not say in any part to crucify witches.. You probably know that the old testament does not apply to christians as it is the historical recap except the 10 commandments and the reform declared by the Jesus is in the new testament. Witch hunts were based on beliefs which do not directly source from the bible. It was typical for people to be scared of dark forces and powers.

prickwisegamgee1  · 16h
Trying to be objective about my evaluations, the high prophet of Islam and messenger of Allah, muhammad, seemed to be a warmongering dystopian, including child-abusive and misogynist behavioral disorders, according to hadiths. Earlier stages of Quran embrace the humanitarial acts that we know even today. The age of Islamic flourishment was imbued by campaigns and conquers, but with the humanitarian side embraced. Only the latter parts (post-Medina) were concidered as the "true Islam" by nowadays rampaging groups which are getting most of the media attention. These parts include all the bad parts of the religion, which from we can read from the news every day.

@prickwisegamgee you got the wrong facts..

utkarsh7x7x74  · 16h

@utkarsh7x7x7 We'll tho, soon.

foudroyantvirus1  · 14h
Acts of terrorism aside; what do you think about gays being hanged, women beeing stoned because they cheated, the word of a woman is not worth as much as that of a man?

What do you say about muslims who think the quran is perfect and without a single mistake?

@foudroyantvirus Qandeel Balloch

lucian87883  · 12h
A lot of Muslims here are saying that the violent verses in the Quran is taken out of context and that it is wrong . Well , they are partly right but what they don't tell you is why he waged those wars. He got a message from an Angel in a cave which regards the words of god. Later on , he waged wars to spread " these words of god " across the middle east . He participated in 78 wars , 77 of them were for offense. During those times , he recruited people for his massacre and forced indoctrination into Islam by mostly the sword but rarely by peace . He conveniently justifies his bloodsoaked actions by lying to people as they are of word of god , manipulating his followers by saying that they would go to heaven and fuck with virgins when they do good and threatening them with death when they want to leave the religion. By evidence given, he was never a man of peace thus islam was never a relgion of peace but of war and terror . They might as well worship Genghis khan or Sun Ts

alisemihc1  · 39m
@lucian8788 He didnt wage any war. whats this offense bullshit ? Please give me a credible source ? He either attacked to the people who broke agreements or defended madinah against his enemies.

Hi OP! A serious question. I've seen so many posts around here and the net that are conflicting with regards to what the Quran says. Some texts say that all who are non Islam are infidels and are not worthy of any respect, or honorable treatment. There are some who post that Islam is a religion of peace with Quran verses to support that claim. What are the rules regarding jihad? I hope you can shed sone light to this coz i wanna learn from a credible source. Thanks!

nanananajib1  · 15h
@greeneralph15 mind give me your email and questions? I would love to share the knowldge with you

jimbo53215  · 14h
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

kleinshay8  · 17h
Naaa OP.. It's the religion of peace, all that beheading, axing, suicide bombing, covering up women like pigs, mutilating girls (90% of girls in Egypt, it's called FGM)... It's all nonsense! That's not the real Islam. Real Islam is about equality and farting rainbows!

bdbear3711  · 57m
I will say first that the Muslim people I have met personally have been lovely. However I feel having read just a little of the Quran so far that most christians who haven't even read most of their own Bible, assume that all religions have violence and slavery and poor treatment of women. Looking around at the various places in the world where these religions are deeply held, it's reasonable to assume that.
But it's not true. The Judeo-Christian Bible says in both old and new testaments 'vengeance is mine sayers the Lord. Individuals who seek vengeance for themselves, ir,in,gods name are sinners.

That is where Islam is very different. All faithful western Muslims remind us about context when we quote passages where allah directs followers to kill infidels who persecute them. But even in context there is no such commands given to followers of christianity. This is a major difference in the religions. You may say that it is not your Islam but that just makes you reformers.

@bdbear371 and the Quran addresses reformers directly. Early in the Quran

torgue_corp1  · 1h
Op, be honest:
Have you ever heard fellow muslims saying something about a silent islam takeover?
Muslim families purposely having higher birthrates than autochtone families in different countries to eventually represent a population majority, allowing them to introduce the Sharia?.
Because I did heard it from a muslim, and others told me I'd freak out if I ever heard what was said in North american mosques. I tend to believe this is true.

@torgue_corp Because they are indoctrined.

hcli1  · 15h
chuvak, your religion literally tell you to get rid of us who doesn't believe in your prophet or your god (quoting 9:29 here)

@hcli Its about Treaty of Hudaybiyah.

mr_savageee1  · 1h
Don't be ashamed/defensive about your religion. Religion is a part of your identity and you should promote it. All religions are good and promote the wellbeing of the human kind. IMO the extremist groups that are terrorizing do not represent a religion.

@mr_savageee All religions are good... do you even know what you are talking of... It would be time to forget these historical fairytales.

tekateislove1  · 15h
Just give up islam and become an atheist

alisemihc1  · 35m
@tekateislove N ever

prickwisegamgee1  · 15h
I do not wish to speak against anyone or any belief, you must have misundertood my intentions @brandnyemail I wish only to criticize the Islam that is getting all the media coverage nowadays, because of the despicable actions of certain groups. As you can see in my previous comments, I'm intrigued by the pre-medina Quran interpretations because they have humanitarian approaches on them. No religion (or belief whatsoever) should be above criticism, but you've managed to victimize (even though indirectly) the "moderate muslims" through your speech. You should not see Islam as a red cloth, which can't be spoken of or critically evaluated in these comments.

loafter1  · 16h
I love how people think terrorism is the only thing wrong with islam. Why does every single muslim country declare Homosexuality a crime? Some muslim countries do not even have equality of the sexes in their constitution, not even going to start talking about how the reality of gender equality looks in middle eastern countries. Most of majority muslim countries have laws against criticizeing Islam, some with the death penalty on it. Why are almost all countries with a majority of muslims third world shitholes?

@loafter homo is wrong. We should make 2 islands. 1 for gay. 1 for lesbian. Let them stay there for 100 years. Adoption not allowed.

Read any religious "book". Kill, conquer, convert. I'm right you're wrong. Tell anyone that they are special and better than other people and let the human who do the rest

@codeliusiii human ego

The quran (probably not spelled right) even says that people shouldn't kill... And every religion has some extremist but that doesn't mean the religion as bad all together... And more were killed by christens during the holy crusades
Just my thoughts as a none Muslim

@bts1298 christans*

It is not a tunnelvision, at this  it is sadly turning to be reality. Previous attacks on Nice, Bataclan, Brussels... Are being declared of being terroristic attacks being performed by jihadistic terrorists being told to do so by daesh, not to mention being motivated by fundamentalistic interpretation of post-medina hadiths. How do you, @brandnyemail , reply to the fact, that all muslims are not terrorists, but (statistics from the last year from attacks on last year to "western" countries) 96,5% of the terrorists are muslims?

@prickwisegamgee by saying that those terrorists are also arab or 2nd or 3rd generation arab immigrants.
The terrorists share more than just their religion, but when looking for why they hate rhe west, we're not examining the facts to find the conclusion - we've decided the conclusion is islam and then we're looking for facts to support that conclusion.

hampusk19966  · 17h
109 verses in the koran demand the death to nonbelivers and other religions........

look up Quilliam Foundation kids

@honbet did a quick serch and from what I can read about them on wikipedia and their website, it seems quite reasonable?

arnoltd5  · 17h
You should choose once and for all what group you want to belong to: atheists (infidels) or extremists (terrorists). There's no middle ground.

timepasssir3  · 40m
Attack on a mall in Germany ... brought to you by the religion of peace.

tubies_fonkay3  · 17h
Oh how the tables have turned. You are experiencing Reverse White Guilt, my friend. How does that make you feel? German nazi, French slave driver, American slave owner, Spanish mass murdering conquistador?
You pick one.

sedd24  · 17h
Islamz problem is failing to adapt to modern times. Only reason Christianity seems better a that it had more time to pass through the stages of development. Wrong people given power- sheeple- and Islamists who sell their ideologies wrapped up in religious contoure ...

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