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Friday, July 22, 2016


But the US is 300 times bigger than other countries, therefor our percentage is actually 7800% making it the highest in the world.

gouwysam322  · 13h
@laurastone1 that's why it's in percentage

cateseesyou365  · 1d
Belgium is not a country. It is a beautiful city. Check your facts !

nein_dog31  · 1d
@cateseesyou capital of europe, not a bad view ;)

ragnoo1108  · 1d
Denmark pays 50%???

chrille230700476  · 13h
@ragnoo1 Yea and we are the happiest country in the world, one of the lowest suicide rates, free school and healthcare, no school/police shootings, and one of the highest GNP in the world, tell me again how high taxes is a blatant attack on humanity and evil communism?

naturalnines275  · 1d
Wow. Hey, let's all give OP a second chance to figure out why "tax rates" and "tax revenue as percentage of GDP" can be different? Or should we just start calling him retarded now?

mrjohndorian19  · 13h
@naturalnines as far as i know. It isnt number 1 in "tax rates" so. Whatever. (Sry for bad english)

ctmnine087  · 18h
Americans are afraid of paying taxes, so they think it's ok for the super rich to not pay them, thinking it will eventually benefit everyone. But complain about the cost of education and healthcare while paying more taxes would be the solution.

xcco4  · 17h
@ctmnine0 Raising taxes isn't always the answer. Lowering traces isn't always the answer. There is a sweet spot, it is obviously impossible to know it exactly, that nations should reach in tax rates. That's why it is stupid that party lines are divided on raising and lowering taxes. This sweet spot changes with the economy and many other factors. We should not be hard set on one direction or the other.

pleez_hulp38  · 16h
Typical, something Trump said was was taken out of context. He was talking about corporate income tax... the U.S. ranks 3rd highest taxed worldwide.

southbound12332  · 16h
@pleez_hulp what? Because it is an official speech of one of the two people that could become president, it is okay to just lie and state false facts?^^ That's some weird logic...

culzbrah41  · 18h
"I know words, I know the best words and I have a healthy brain"-Donald trump

dremoraph17  · 18h
@culzbrah "I'm not from USA then I know more things" -random dude

bluefire1268  · 18h
In germany you can pay up to 60% just sayin

shadowthelast9  · 12h
@bluefire126 and this country is just amazing. Free health-care, free Universitys, big economy, protection for people without work, etc.

mandwrson00916  · 18h
As an American I say America is so Orwellian its poetic. Both Hilary and Trump are the biggest trolls to possess a microphone.

lorientdenatal1  · 18h
@mandwrson009 So what's a solution?

nevew4  · 15h
Holy shit Denmark O__o! And you guys are the happiest country in the world... but I think you win more money than us french... but life is more expensive... well...

ajmunken12  · 13h
@nevew It is actually possible to have to pay up to about 58% in taxes in Denmark.. But we are happy because we pay taxes.. It gives a lot of social security, healthcare benefits, free education and so on..

whoisjg6  · 18h
Actually when it comes to corporate taxes he's right, the us is near the top

lannk4  · 6h
@whoisjg near, but not at the top. The biggest corporations in the US don't pay anywhere near the 35% though. Google for example is paying less than 3% by funnelling profits through tax havens.

winkingwizard7  · 18h
It's Trump, what do you expect?

heavyhustlerefs16  · 18h
@winkingwizard The OP to know the different between tax rates and tax revenue by percentage of GDP. As the US does collect more in taxes than the nations listed.

melhof963  · 14h
I live in Denmark - I pay 39%, which is normal. It depends on your income. If you pay 'too much' tax throughout the year, you get that money back.

@melhof96 I too live in Denmark, and my tax-rate is around 47%.. Though I do not know how much and average/normal tax-rate is.

fulmetalalcohol3  · 13h
Yeah in Germany you can end up paying more than 50%

@fulmetalalcohol Sure you can but remember....in the other countries you can get to about 60%

godofwineantits1  · 44m
Hes talking about corporate taxes I assume. You also have to remember that most americans actually pay over 50% in taxes at the end of the day, we are taxed several times and in several ways. 26% if Just ONE of those ways.

For instance at my income, 66 cents of every dollar earned goes to the government.

@godofwineantits It's impossible. Highest tax bracket is only 40% Federal +13% State Tax. That's 13% short of 66%. Social Security only taxes the first 120,000 of your income and if you're in the 40% Federal Tax bracket, it will at most be 4% of your income. 4% assumes that you are self employed otherwise your employer pays half and it will only be 2%. Add 5% instead of 1.5% Medicare assuming that you pay the 0.9% high wage earner tax and double that for being self employed.

That's only 63% although state tax is deductible so it's probably less than that.

bcoolidge2  · 17h
Hold on Denmark we're going to take the first place soon. Honhonhon.

bcoolidge3  · 17h
@bcoolidge We need a new tax to finance our president's barber .

riobof1  · 18h
Didn't OP forget to pay his doctor's bills and student loans?

Not protecting the Trump, just trolling Americans.

starashma8  · 18h
@riobof *laughs in danish*

duffexport4  · 18h
As a Quebecer (in Canada), we pay about 50% all in total (it's quite complicated, you can deduct alot of things but last time I checked I had to pay 49.2% of my income in provincial+federal tax). Yeah, it sucks, but you know what; I like to know that if I have an accident on my bike on my way to work I won't pay a dime for any treatment I need. I like to know that my patients (I'm a pharmacist), can get their drugs at a low price. I like to know that lower income families can send their kids to day care at a very low price. Basically I don't mind paying taxes knowing I live in a much more fair society. And that is not even as an altruiste. Better healthecare and social services means I don't have parts of the city that are shit and I should be scared to walk in. Anyways my 2 cents on the whole; it's my money, keep your hands off it.

@duffexport We pay as much tax in the US, we just spend it on the military instead of healthcare..... I only earn 65k a year and pay ~40% tax (25% Federal, 5.3% Provincial, 1.5 Medicare, 6.2 Social Security). It could go up to 60% if you are in the highest tax bracket for Federal and Provincial State Tax.

US has an increasing tax braket based on income. So the higher income you make the higher percentage of taxes you have to pay. i think it goes up to 50% if you are maklng more than a million dollars per yer

@nizarzarif year*

When is united states election?

dogebane2  · 18h
@nunani the second Tuesday in november

What he is saying is that they should reduced billionaire and millionaire tax pay

elitewolverine1  · 18h
@the_wh1te_w0lf Considering they are responsible for 80% of the tax revenue...sure any tax break would directly affect them. As well a poor family will never pay a dime in fed taxes, in fact the rich person has to pay for them through a tax refund which is literally redistribution of wealth to make up the fact they made so little.

blorpington3  · 18h
You're not taking gdp into account. Your rates may be higher, but it still doesn't amount to our cumulative total.

rickyjakobsen2  · 11h
@blorpington But what value does that info have? Your spending also increase, so you NEED to also "pay more".
Way easier to comprehend how much each individual pay, because that's what matters. If you take a single city with 7 million people, their tax would have to be more, then the 7 mil there's in Denmark - because spending on education, healthcare and so on, has to match the amount of people, and can't do that, if you look at what EVERYONE contributes as a total, and then look at what every individual would cost to educate and so on..
If you did, u muricans should be able to see, you're paying very little tax, compared to everyone else.

brady_bunch4  · 18h
And your logic is why no one is taking you seriously! Congrats OP

@brady_bunch question: do you support trump?

shinshoku2  · 11h
As a blegian, I'm not sure if I must be happy to finally be in a wolrdwide top 3

daymar1  · 6h
@shinshoku build better roads for christsake

mustafashams02  · 14h
I think he meant corporate tax rates cause from what I heard it is pretty high which is a legit issue since it is causing lots of companies to move overseas.

@mustafashams0 yes reducing corpotate taxes is one of his most important policies

faradaymichael2  · 11h
Wow, Trump lied about something and distorted the facts?! I'm going to vote for Hillary! Oh, wait...

@faradaymichael It's easier to state when he tells the truth, lying is his default.

zekehardrock1  · 43m
Dear American, why you want this men to be your president? Not if I'm care but, this man could probably start the third world war only by his stupidity.

@zekehardrock because op is wrong and he dosent know shit aobut taxes, US third highest taxed country in the world

plz_remain_calm1  · 44m
*laughs from Brazil*

plz_remain_calm2  · 44m
@plz_remain_calm *cries from Brazil*

NoobFish4  · 15h
By world he means the USA. So basically USA is the highest taxed nation in USA.

ikaitchi1  · 7h
Analysts and scientists did the math, for more than 5000 allegations, Donald Trump lied on 78% percent of them... Genius

@ikaitchi that's interesting. Do you have a source?

im_a_noggerPro1  · 12h
~ 4,5 billion $ in tax revenue. That's more than all these countries annual GDP combined.

rickyjakobsen5  · 11h
@im_a_nogger So is America's spending, so how useful is that piece of info?
You're a big country with a lot of people, of cause you out earn Denmark, BUT you can't pay for education and so on, if you think out earning 7 million people, is a good measurement of how much is "high taxes"

Does anyone realiza that trump actually wants rich people - including himself - to pay more taxes?

@detee Yes suddenly he took that position when he realized that Sanders voters were up for grasps. Seemed quite obvious.

It's really sad to say that facts have become irrelevant in democracy and media. I wonder how long democracies can survive like this.

vacsad1  · 38m
@rutger5000 *It's really sad to say that facts have become irrelevant in US democracy and media. I wonder how long the US can survive like this.
There, I fixed it.

He's allowed to lie, because he tells it like it is!

@seanmaher3055 like it is? So still a lie. Right?

Try tax/minimun wage percentage.

@Carlos_Lemos yeah, I know the US won't be in first place either.

Hey, dumbass! They all have free healthcare, we don't.

@lesdoge *free meaning included in taxes

Holy shit could you please use the correct numbers for fucks sake... Check your sources:

Denmark 49.0
Sweden 45.8
Belgium 45.4

@dirty_paws United States 26.9
for completion

borgesbruno4  · 18h
Do you even huehueland Trump?

kemalnuryaman192  · 13h
its even lower than us in indonesia ... we have 35% of tax and all we got is shite gov lol

supermegaman52  · 18h
*laughs but then cries* in Canadian :S

percybroder2  · 13h
USA have the worlds highest corporate tax though.

fearbringer3292  · 16h
Op retarded? Some might agree!

dingledoofusber2  · 16h
Highest taxed... Yet still so much debt..

tristankp2  · 16h
It's the taxes on company ... Not people --'

wubbalubba892  · 17h
I think he might be referring to corporate tax rates. Because I recalled him talking about tax inversion.

ozymcube31  · 4m
What the fuck, France... We don't even have money... u_U

yukatanyuku1  · 27m
Wtf u get those number?? United state u pay at least 36%+other taxes like states and local etc..in canada you pay 50%+, france is 45% for the richest...

duvetkem1  · 33m
The US tax levels are actually very very average, but in comparison to countries like Norway and Denmark they are quite low. Because of the multi level taxation these countries have it is much safer to implement social programs because you see a much higher rate of return through taxation, where as the US will bleed straight 75% of the social investment, Norway sees somewhere around 60 - 70% return through taxes, while the rest stimulates the economy and not so much actually leaves the country.

_the_viking_1  · 7h
I live in Denmark :(

godmademeso1  · 17h
What you guys don't realize is all those countries also have free healthcare, schooling up to university and unemployed welfare. While America, you have to pay for everything

crookedcat1  · 17h
I needed some salt for my popcorn, so I came here

You are not looking at ALL the taxes we pay dummy....

The difference is Denmark does something with that tax money besides building lots of tanks and drones and sending said tanks and drones into warzones every other day of the week.

And the comes Dominican Republic with a 62%...

@p772894 than all. Do the research. USA has the %26 of all GDP. For example Denmark has %0.004 of all GDP.

What is tax revenue?

Does sweden have 45,8%?

@laurastone1 I'm not sure if you are trolling or just plain stupid.

Canada is 50%

so what. The  is taxes are high, not the stupid statistics

The US has the 3rd highest marginal corporate tax rate in the world. Beyond that, we're lower in other categories.

Trump wants to lower that rate and pass it on to.... Unicorns

33% in my country

Corporate Tax in the US is highest though. But then again, loopholes.

Ok no need to pay more taxes, just cut like 25% off the military budget and here's your money for healtcare and education while still being the number 1 country in pew pew

Why did you complain..everybody in Murica gonna vote for him..I Garanteed

Im from Denmark its like when you are Getting payed every month, you have to take the half from it

Canda has the highest a total of a moose, a beaver, 3 bottles of syrup and 1 sorry

When it comes to the corporate tax rate, usa has a higher one than most european "social democratic" countries, so he is partly right

lol, even Brazil is more taxed than US

Let's Make America Great Again... except when it comes to taxes. No one wants to support the great America.

This proves either american nationalism is bullshit. Or the political pandering of the republicans is bullshit. Maybe both.

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