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Saturday, July 23, 2016


Is this True? Because I know I have a shitty relation and this makes total sense

whatislife1242  · 3d
@catee779 We can fix that if you want

lolo0500160  · 2d
This was my relationship with my parents for the past 18 years...

paidhaqe22  · 2d
@lolo0500 hang in there
The secret is making your own money

uglyasfuk174  · 2d
They put a restraining order on you

bear_king3  · 2h
@uglyasfuk Hahahehehe

newhitler59  · 2d
For any of you that feel this way, you can either end the relationship or tell your partner about how you feel. Relationship is two way, a one way relationship always ends badly

marghe6662  · 2d
@newhitler tell it to the partner first

vaalerian46  · 2d
It also seems like you are an extremely emotional person, and more moderate people have a very hard time understanding you or even believing you, since they can't imagine being possibly affected that much by emotions, and think that you are pretending and/or trying to trick/manipulate them.

My stepmother is exactly like that (extremely emotional)

vaalerian21  · 2d
@vaalerian therefore you should try to express yourself in a more logical and less emotional way, in order to attempt making them understand how differently you are affected by emotions, and establish a better understanding of each other.

raidribu345  · 4d
A large percentage of people constant feel lonely or want others to ask how they feel. Nothing good can come from encouraging people to externalize their own emotional baggage.

dskljhdfjs11  · 4d
@raidribu3 I think what op means is when you feel alone even though you're in a relationship. And not asking how they feel even after you tell them about your day or life etc

randomtrollface15  · 2d
"Relationship" thanks for reminding me again

randomtrollface9  · 2d

_geert_wilders_16  · 2d
This post

Gave me cancer

beetlejouce9  · 2h
Well the problem is: The same might feel true if somone IS a drama-queen (male of female). If other people ignore minor drama every now and then, which very well might be their fault, they'll feel like people ignore their feelings altogether and blame them all the time.

@beetlejouce Conclusion: I disregard OP's feelings.

ronnin42685023  · 2d
Sometimes, if you're a dumb basic bitch, everything IS your fault.

cgifallout14  · 4d
Thanks Facebook

knierge15  · 2d

skizer09  · 4d
Jesus christ the drama

cohrswelder1  · 3d
@skizer0 Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior

drunk_on_weed6  · 1d
They use, commas, unnecessarily,

lazerkings70a moment ago
@drunk_on_weed Or they. Speak. In segments.

tacha162  · 2d
Yes I know a person like this, yet her leaving flung me into a spiral of depression, anger, suicidal tendencys, selfharm and therapy

@tacha16 this wasn't even a lover it was a friend

blacktigersc23  · 2d
Is it just me or is this title grammar spreading Dancer?

blacktigersc21  · 2d
@blacktigersc2 cancer* omfg

kingjames578  · 4d
I hope this isn't true...

Look at it from the other side.
What if it always is the other persons fault? I've been seeing a girl lately, but her jealousy and anger is driving the relationship to the ground. I try to listen to her feelings and validate them, but they stem from such a unlogical place, that they hardly can be argued with. And the woman is in such a fury that valid arguments and normal speech cant be made, everything will be turned against me no matter what I do. However I dont feel lonely, I just feel the other person is overreacting.

I think she feels lonely, and I think she thinks that I am not taking her serious, but I have to distance myself from such overreaction, else its gonna affect my life too much.

So that wall of text you made there, I believe some people take it and apply it to their own life, in order to make themself a victim. If she read that article, she would instantly agree with it.

dimloth13222  · 1h
@brobean1337666 (sorry for my english)
well, there's a lot of different ways to see that situation.
My bf always told me that i'm overreacting... and that is true. I cried whenever he left the house. But things like that don't happen suddenly. I cried because I wanted a little time for us... go out to the pub, go for a walk, talk and hug for 5 minutes before sleep, anything... but he always had an explanation. He said "I don't have much money" "I'm exhausted" "I don't want to drink/smoke". Nothing wrong right?
But then, he goes out with other ppl. When I asked him about it, he always said "My mom transfered some money" "my friend is trying to meet me for so long" "our plans can be shifted". Sure, but this did not happen.
I felt so fckin' deserted. He always said "It's not like that". I tried so hard to understand... Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I want too much?

Morhem2  · 2d
Actually, its one of the 2:
1. What OP said.
2. You are pansy drama queen.
Situations differ. First make sure you are not a drama queen, THEN break up.

@Morhem finally a sane person.

manstapler3  · 2d
Really? Because caring is NOT doing those things? Maybe I just have a very shitty personality, and I admit those things that are said in this post, that is me, that is how I treat my girlfriend. But I try to do a lot of amazing things for her, so she knows that I appreciate her. But that doesn't change that I have a shitty personality and I can't just change personalities, I can't become a whole different person just because it is a minor inconvenience to my partner. Or for any other reason for that matter, that is who I am. A nice guy with a really shitty personality, and on top of that I get bored of things super easy and super fast, I lose interest in things easily.

kksymenkaa1  · 1h
@manstapler I feel sorry for your gf. You can change yourself, you just don't want it. Stop making excuses, acting like a douche is never a 'minor inconvinience'. Have you ever met a person that mistreated you? Imagine living with him/her.

steppl1  · 2d
perfect description of my brother's wife!

dudeholdmyshirt4  · 2d
@steppl dude. Don't be in a relationship with your brothers wife ffs

regonas4  · 2d
Action list of how to intimidate and abuse my girlfriend. Thanks op.

shenandoe1  · 1d
There is so much drama in the world, this post totally disregards the fact that some people want none of it in their life. Are we not allowed to feel this way? Are we not allowed to disregard feelings of those who cry because Mufasa died? Please stop opressing people who don't encourage negative emotional output in naturally occuring circumstances.

shenandoe1  · 1d
@shenandoe its ok to cry, with a valid, important reason. Mufasa's death is a plot device that enables this beautiful movie to carry on, if he didn't die, the movie ends there. stop crying and be thankful for every second he's falling.

my father.

@icecarpenter epscially the last one

lolopon3  · 2h
Four signs that this is written wrong

1. care about*
2. seen*
3. "how are you?"*
4. Constantly, no commas*


ThisPointer3  · 1d
Fucking hell! Your grammar is why cancer exists!

namefkintaken3  · 2d
oh look my family in 5 sentences

lesbianlove3  · 2d

madarchod2  · 1h
I love how all 5 of those things are related to girls behavior .

anubiis2  · 2d
God, the first accurate list on 9gag !

memequeen_162  · 4d
Well fuck

elinsfxmakeup1  · 45m

akki881  · 1h
Written by a girl.

q_maxpower_q1  · 2h
It's so sad... But so true...

albertdimander1  · 1d
So basically my step dad? Damn this was an eye opener for sure..

winter_came1  · 1d
Basically how it is with my Mother

melliejoyc1  · 2d
"5 Signs that someone doesn't care for your feelings"
Note: That someone could also be yourself. Depression presents like this sometimes as well.

lidc1  · 2d
My best friend does 80% of these things.. And we have been friends for more than 10 years..

pepsi_man1  · 2d
Anybody knows how to summon someone?

amazarichi1  · 2d
This sounds like my average friendship with anyone.

no_gir1friend1  · 2d
Been crushing on this girl since last October in 2015, she sits beside me and seems like she shows these signs, but is constantly staring at me when i'm not looking, when i do, she looks away. I'm confused.

kattung1  · 2d
my mother, everyone.

meelis131  · 2d
This is so true. But it sucks the most when you regognise your family members reading this. And i do.

newhitler1  · 2d
@newhitler that or you could just lock her in a room and visit whenever you're horny, just like what I did with my sister

hommedaction1  · 1h
Your feelings are drama and it's your fucking fault. They don't ask "how are you?" because that would be opening the door to more drama. You feel lonely because you have the maturity of a 5 year old. And you're afraid to criticize them because you know they will tell you the truth and to fucking grow up.

scottbates1  · 2d
Or maybe your just a fucking self entitled drama queen

yongshu1  · 1d
The first one is someone simply being an asshole.

If you complain all the time and bitch about everything, IT IS DRAMA.

Asking girls shit like "Are you okay?" is a door to the friendzone.

You feel lonely? Maybe they are not interested in you. Maybe you're annoying.

It's your job to win that argument with facts. If they never accept their mistakes, what are you doing there? Find someone else.

If you feel like this 24/7 is not your partners fault, you might consider going to a therapist.

Am I the only one whose eyes hurt just so much as ALMOST EVERY SINGLE LINE of this post has a linguistic error?

Ah stop it you always make a drama ...

@asmaelamriki that might be useful 🤔

Like.. Most women?

This actually sums up my last relationship...

English the in this strong one is

I had a friend like this, in the end she cared but she was just a terrible person. it's possible to have a friend who just sucks at being a person and deep inside they care, but you're better off walking away from their behavior just because they will drag you down. I had to block this person. a year later they died in a car wreck. sad, but no regrets. I did what I had to in order to be healthy again.

How are you OP

Welcome t0 9gag. Your source for great comedy.

5/5.... FUCK

Pleople react like this because it is your fault.
People call you Drama Queen because you create Drama where you can .
This post is cancer kys. ;-)

One of my best friends is in this situation and I'm always telling her that this is not a healthy relationship but at the end of the day she is the one who need to make a decision not me

Sadly its true

This is going on with my parents to me atm...

Poor Keemstar

I knew it my ex never cared about my feelings

OMG stop being drama queens people, and you'll see everyone will suddenly get better around you... (it applies to girls and guys)

Maybe its too much drama over nonsense, how can we ask about their feelings when they dont give us a chance to ask and constantly whine about their feelings first. How are they alone when they hang on the person 24/7 and still complain we dont do enough together. And goddamn it, maybe it is their fault.

This describes the role of a man after 20 years of marriage

- They don't tell you that you need grammar lessons.

Most of these are just your own character flaws.
Also, -seen
-You constantly feel loney (no commas)
- "how are you?"

Yep, almost all of my friendships!

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